My family is excited about the Grammys.
Some members like the Oscars.
We are not so into the Tonys, but millions of Americans are into them.

We need an awards ceremony, maybe even a show for scientists.
Scientists will never be the stars that artistic performers are, but it is sad and arguably a sign of a serious problem that nearly no Americans can name a living, prominent scientist.
Of course there are some big deal awards for scientists such as international awards like the Noble Prize. There are also some prestigious American awards for science too such as the Lasker Awards, often called the American Noble Prize. Many scientific societies give out awards such as new investigator awards at the International Society for Stem Cell Research annual meeting. However, I think that is not enough.
I believe that America needs a more prominent all-encompassing annual awards ceremony for scientists akin to the Grammys for musical performers. There would be overall winners such as “Best scientist” of the year, but also more specific categories such as ‘cancer researcher of the year”, “physicist of the year”, “best new scientist”, “heart disease researcher of the year”, “stem cell researcher of the year”, etc. In fact there could be dozens of categories.
Such a ceremony would serve to increase popular interest in science and scientists in America at a time when science is under attack and undervalued.
Note that for the past few years I have given out a different kind of award. The Screamers Science Hype Awards. For while there I was also given a Stem Cell Person of the Year Award.
A very agreed point, we need to value the true achievers in society, and when this world finally learns to stop embracing celebrity, inanity, mediocracy and talentless individuals by parasitic media savvy corporations ready to part the great unwashed masses of their hard earned, the better place the world will be.
Hardworking, honest and genuine science workers (of which there must be many) should be recognised.
I totally agree! I thought the same thing in the past when watching the Oscars or Golden Globes. How awesome would it be to have something similar in the science field. Even if its not televised just to have a gathering of great minds in a celebratory atmosphere would be amazing – as well as beneficial for networking and collaborations. If a live stream would be made available I would totally watch it, and I’m sure others in the science field would as well. It would be interesting to hear acceptance speeches to get a small window into the personal and professional lives of award winning scientists.
I believe that replacing dead cells with healthy cells can be one of the first of many ways to stop or slow down the aging process. The Miami Institute has already started the “Vampire” method and it works. They take your blood divide the blood and inject the reproductive cells that regenerate new cells thus creating a younger you. If they can do this just for the outside of a face, imagine what can be done with replacing old damage organs and/or cells with healthy and/or new cells.