Why you should go to the World Stem Cell Summit

As I was compiling a list of the upcoming stem cell meetings the other day I got to thinking about the different kinds of stem cell meetings and how diverse they are. Some didactic in a stodgy kind of way, while others are just as educational and instructive, but in a more enjoyable format. Some are huge, some are small.

One of my favorite meetings is the World Stem Cell Summit (WSCS).

It’s coming up in December. I think you should go!

You can register here.

You might say “Isn’t that kind of a blanket statement?” for me to say to the wide range of readers of this blog that irrespective of who they are that they should go to that meeting.

I know how diverse the readers of this blog are, but I think the WSCS has something to offer all of you no matter who you are: students, professors, industry folks, grant officials, FDA people, medical board folks, doctors, patients, lawyers, reporters, etc. etc.

To me WSCS is the one stem cell meeting that truly is ecumenical and it gains impact from that. When you hear a talk at WSCS, almost no matter what your background is, it will be understandable and you’ll get the big picture. You can usually find the speaker at some point at talk to them one-on-one as well.

The WSCS is the best meeting to get the gestalt of the stem cell field.