Search Results for: Hans Keirstead

Hans Keirstead interview on his congressional run, how you can help


Hans Keirstead is one of the top stem cell scientists in the world who has been doing cutting edge research including on using stem cells to reverse paralysis where he teamed up with super patient advocate Roman Reed (see the two pictured at right), but now he is also running for Congress. How cool is that? […]

Hans Keirstead interview on his congressional run, how you can help Read More »

Stem cell & regenerative medicine news: cool pubs, people, ARM, & more


How does one keep up with all the regenerative medicine and stem cell happenings? There is always something happening in the stem cell and regenerative medicine field ranging from science to policy matters. This post is an update on some recent stem cell happenings that I see as notable or interesting. New Pubs Direct reprogramming

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Movers & Shakers in Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Field


Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine field researchers move around to different places fairly often. It is interesting to note trends and also see who received what kinds of awards and such. Below is a list of some recent movers and shakers. George Daley got the ISSCR Public Service Award (you can see other ISSCR Awards here).

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As Predicted, Big News For California Stem Cell, Inc.: Purchased by NeoStem


Late last year I was hearing some exciting things about California Stem Cell, Inc. under the leadership of Hans Keirstead. (2020 update: interestingly 3 years ago Keirstead ran for congress, but the campaign didn’t quite make it.) In fact, I thought a big move for California Stem was in the cards for 2014 and looking into

As Predicted, Big News For California Stem Cell, Inc.: Purchased by NeoStem Read More »

Interview with Roman Reed on Guv Grown’s Veto of AB714 Spinal Cord Injury Research Bill

Unfortunately California Guv Jerry Brown vetoed AB714, the Roman Reed Act that would have greatly supported spinal cord research. Roman Reed is of course a top stem cell patient advocate and driving force in research. Roman received my Stem Cell Person of the Year Award last year (See picture at right). The contest for the

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Stem cells gone wild? What really happens after a transplant


What really happens to cells after they a stem cell transplant into a patient? Once these cells, which have spent weeks in a lab environment, are injected into a person, what happens next? This is arguably the most important question in the regenerative medicine field, but there are few answers. We are literally mostly in

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Stem cells for Spinal Cord Injury update


The severe spinal cord injury sustained by Jockey Michael Martinez and the possibility (not realized) that he might be enrolled in Geron’s hESC-based spinal cord regenerative medicine trial, have drawn recent attention to spinal cord injury. Christopher and Dana Reeve (see foundation here) as well as Don C. Reed (see site here) were instrumental in bringing

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