Search Results for: stem cells for MS

RIKEN fails to reproduce STAP, big CDB shake up expected


Nikkei is reporting that the RIKEN internal attempt to replicate so-called STAP (acid bath) cells has failed. Update: apparently, although RIKEN calls the efforts preliminary, the team tried to make STAP an amazing 22 times and 22 times it failed. The rumors for weeks in the stem cell gapevine that RIKEN itself could not get […]

RIKEN fails to reproduce STAP, big CDB shake up expected Read More »

Challenge tries to cancel Yamanaka iPS cell patent


A new patent dispute has exploded in the stem cell field related to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. What’s going on? In 2006, Shinya Yamanaka reported cellular reprogramming to create mouse induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in Cell and the next year multiple groups along with Yamanaka’s reported creating human iPS cells. It’s no exaggeration

Challenge tries to cancel Yamanaka iPS cell patent Read More »

Where will STAP cell mess go from here & key unanswered questions


In some ways it’s hard to imagine that it was only just over 6 months ago that Nature published the two STAP cell papers by a collaborative team of Japanese and American researchers. It feels like years have gone by since then because so much has happened related to the STAP mess including the retraction of the

Where will STAP cell mess go from here & key unanswered questions Read More »

Where does STAP cell mess go from here & key unanswered questions


In some ways it’s hard to imagine that it was only just over 6 months ago that Nature published the two STAP papers by a collaborative team of Japanese and American researchers. It feels like years have gone by since then because so much has happened related to the STAP mess including the retraction of

Where does STAP cell mess go from here & key unanswered questions Read More »

Reflecting on Sasai tragedy, STAP, & flawed field of science


Today has been a dark day of mourning for science following the death by suicide of Dr. Yoshiki Sasai. I did not know Dr. Sasai personally, but was very impressed with his work. His suicide leaves me feeling very sad and it seems like an appropriate time for reflection. (update I did a post on suicides by

Reflecting on Sasai tragedy, STAP, & flawed field of science Read More »

Ear-itating: Awesome John Oliver Invokes Vacanti Mouse While Blistering Dr. Oz


What is the Vacanti Mouse? Comedian John Oliver has an absolutely blistering segment (see below) on Dr. Oz in which he skewers the physician huckster. The video includes incredibly telling Oz testimony before Congress in which the celebrity doctor seems frankly pretty pathetic and cannot answer even simple questions about his selling of arguably snake oil on

Ear-itating: Awesome John Oliver Invokes Vacanti Mouse While Blistering Dr. Oz Read More »