Search Results for: prostate cancer

Vitamin D: is this supplement helpful or hype-ful?


Is Vitamin D a miracle drug or a disappointment like almost all other vitamins? Just recently there was a piece saying that Vitamin D may reduce pain. Today there was another news article saying Vitamin D may protect men against more aggressive prostate cancer. You name the condition and Vitamin D is claimed to help with […]

Vitamin D: is this supplement helpful or hype-ful? Read More »

Is it fair to tell a patient to be patient?


When I talk to people about stem cell science and the timeline for turning data into treatments and cures, their reactions completely depend on whom they are. Scientists are patient, perhaps too patient….perhaps too understanding of the many years that we are told that science takes to get something to the clinic. Patients and patient

Is it fair to tell a patient to be patient? Read More »

7 key take home action items from the World Stem Cell Summit 2011


It is nice to be back home, but I really enjoyed the World Stem Cell Summit. It was an energizing, inspiring meeting. There was a huge amount of information presented including new ideas and challenges to the existing paradigms. I’ve condensed it down for you. Below I list and briefly discuss what I thought were

7 key take home action items from the World Stem Cell Summit 2011 Read More »

The recipe for success for stem cell biotechs such as Geron, ACT, and ViaCyte: 3 key ingredients

What will we define as a success for any given stem cell biotech like ViaCyte? In academia, even if we do pre-clinical, translational kind of biomedical sciences, we still do not often think about what it takes to succeed in industry. Even if we very much want our research to make a difference for patients,

The recipe for success for stem cell biotechs such as Geron, ACT, and ViaCyte: 3 key ingredients Read More »

Who do you call Superman?

httpv:// How we choose or heroes, our Supermen and Superwomen, says a lot about who we are. There’s a scene (above) in one of the Superman movies, starring Christopher Reeve, where Lex Luther puts a Kryptonite necklace on Superman. Superman is powerless around Kryptonite and collapses to the ground.  I always remember that scene because

Who do you call Superman? Read More »

Not ready for prime time: the three critical challenges for IPS cells


If IPS cells are not ready for prime time, it is probably due to these three critical challenges for these amazing cells. TUMORIGENICITY Those of us who work with IPS cells are very excited about their potential for use in regenerative medicine therapies. One serious hurdle we have talked about in the past is tumorigenicity.

Not ready for prime time: the three critical challenges for IPS cells Read More »

Komen Foundation open to funding human embryonic stem cell research

Interestingly, the Komen Foundation appears open to funding human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research. The latest report from Science includes a quote from Komen that denies any changes in funding policy for research and suggests they have not ruled out funding such research: Contrary to circulating online reports, Komen has not “de-funded” any grantee based on human embryonic stem

Komen Foundation open to funding human embryonic stem cell research Read More »

From boobs to baldness: stem cell cosmetics

Somers, stem cells

What are stem cell cosmetics? The use of stem cells for cosmetics and cosmetic procedures is exploding even while many important questions remain. How legitimate are these stem cell cosmetic products and procedures? Are they safe and effective? What kinds of medical conditions are they being used to treat? I also recently did a post

From boobs to baldness: stem cell cosmetics Read More »