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Recommended reads: Dux, 3D printed ear brings Vacanti mouse to mind, AMD, more

Eight years ago two new Nature papers broke on the scene reporting supposed STAP cells with one of the senior authors, Charles Vacanti of Harvard, most well known previously for making the so-called "Vacanti mouse" along with his brother Joseph. The Vacanti mouse had a bioengineered human ear growing on its back. While STAP cells were debunked including via efforts …
Vacanti Mouse

Cheating death via regenerative medicine or stem cells?

How does one go about cheating death? As I get older, fighting aging seems more relevant. Having battled a potentially fatal cancer also gave me a taste of mortality. In biomedical research, it seems like living longer has become an obsession for some recently. Could stem cells or other forms of regenerative medicine help people to meaningfully fight aging? Could …