The Niche

Stem Cell & Regenerative Med Newsletter

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Weekly reads: stem cell niche & AI stumble on health

What is a stem cell niche? It's the home of stem cells. The stem cell niche is a fascinating environment. It has many constituents that impact stem cell behavior and even eventual stem cell transplant functions. In today's weekly reads, we'll start with the niche as there have been several interesting papers on this topic. The niche consists of other cells, …
stem cell niche, klauskaestner

Perspectives on David Sinclair anti-aging Cell pub & in vivo reprogramming

methuselah mouse, anti-aging
About twenty years ago a science story made big news of a so-called anti-aging Methuselah gene. Methuselah gene and anti-aging The claim was that this DNA conferred long life on people. Hence the name Methuselah, which refers to a man from the Bible who reportedly lived 969 years. The so-called Methuselah gene was at first not a specific gene. Just a big …