The Niche

Stem Cell & Regenerative Med Newsletter

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2022 The Screamers Science Hype Award goes to The BBC

I started The Screamers a few years back as a biomedical science hype award. It's kind of in the spirit of an Ig Noble Prize in the sense of an alternative "award", but in this case for hype. In 2020, sadly the FDA Commissioner at the time Stephen Hahn won The Screamers award for a major COVID treatment misstatement. This …

Grading my 2022 regenerative medicine predictions

It's that time of year again when I grade my previous year's predictions for the stem cell & regenerative medicine space. Overall, I did better than a typical year. I give the 2022 predictions an A- overall. This exercise can be kind of fun but also humbling. For example, I tend to be too optimistic about how things will go …