The Niche

Stem Cell & Regenerative Med Newsletter

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Weekly reads: stem cells for epilepsy from Neurona Therapeutics, diabetes, contagious cancer

People often ask me what are the most promising stem cell therapies in development and new data suggest we should add stem cells for epilepsy to the list based on work by Neurona Therapeutics. I'll start off the weekly recommended reads with this new mouse paper on cell therapy for epilepsy. Neurona Therapeutics: stem cells for epilepsy Human pallial MGE-type …
Neurona Therapeutics, stem cells for epilepsy

FDA warns Neil Riordan U.S. perinatal firm Signature Biologics

Signature Biologics, Neil Riordan
Neil Riordan may be most well-known for running the Panama stem cell clinic called simply enough the Stem Cell Institute, but he also has a U.S. firm Signature Biologics. The Panama  clinic sells unproven umbilical cord cells grown in a lab for a host of medical conditions. I've had many concerns about it over the years, particularly their unproven autism …

Lessons from 4 stem cell stocks that tanked: Celularity, Athersys, Mesoblast, BrainStorm Cell

I've been following 24 stem cell stocks for a few years. I haven't invested in them or any others recently, but rather just find them interesting. How are these doing in 2023? Mostly not great. In some cases, it is downright disastrous. Let's take a quick look at four stocks very much in the news over the last few years that …
Athersys stock, Athersys, stem cell stocks