Tool to easily search for a stem cell clinical trial for your disease is where you want to go for finding a certain clinical trial and studies.

Note that this U.S. database includes international trials. It is a very powerful tool! Check it out here to do your own searches. Also follow me on Twitter for all the latest info and expert analysis: and this patient’s guide to what to think about regarding stem cells is quite useful.


2021 update: Note that is not perfect and we’ve been realizing in recent years that it has some key weaknesses. One of the major issues is that for-profit clinics selling unproven stem cell offerings can get their offerings listed on the site.

I suggest taking a look at these recent posts I’ve done on the challenges with, including in particular the misuse of it by clinics.

I’ve also done some of the work for you and have links to stem cell clinic trial listings below for specific diseases. Click away! 

Note, I’m not endorsing any one specific clinical trial, but I think this is an important resource for patients. Those considering participation in a trial should discuss it with their personal physician too.

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96 thoughts on “Tool to easily search for a stem cell clinical trial for your disease”

  1. Pingback: How do you separate scientifically sound stem cell therapies from scams? - Stem Cells in the News

  2. Pingback: How do you separate scientifically sound stem cell therapies from scams? – STAT – The Covid-19 Channel

  3. Pingback: How do you separate scientifically sound stem cell therapies from scams?

  4. Pingback: How do you separate scientifically sound stem cell therapies from scams? | Health Wellness Journal

  5. Pingback: Billy Xiong Declares: How do you separate scientifically sound...

  6. I have a 5 year old grand daughter who can not gain weight. We are unable to get her over 11 pounds. No doctors have been able to diagnose the issue or properly treat her. All they saw is failure to thrive or Google a disease and say that is it. Does anyone know of a doctor that can possibly help? She is losing weight and we don’t know what to do to help her.


    Concerned grandparent

  7. Neil McManus allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplant recipient for AML leukemia July 2016

    Please comment on Mesoblast Ltd. in Australia : & . Another company involved in the development of therapeutic applications of MSCs : ,
    products: I am suffering from chronic GVHD, how can I join a clinical trial, they don’t admit anyone, there is an evaluation period with regard to joining the clinical trial. The MDs have the first word, then the company sponsoring the clinical trial has the final say.

  8. Our Daughter has infertility issues & has 7 surgeries for IUAdhesions. Wants to go for stem cells clinical trial for infertility. Anyone please recommend the most tested safe & successful Dr. & country. In USA stem cells for infertility is not approved. Please help….. .

  9. I am a 64 year old male that had a subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke 4/1/2015. Are there any trustworthy clinics or trials that are going on that I can participate in.

  10. This website is run by a PhD researcher who is apparently against all stem cell therapy except those that he (in his infinite clinical wisdom) approves as done in a clinical trial.

  11. Pingback: 10 for 10 on stem cell day: top 10 issues for coming 10 years | Stem Cells Daily

  12. Christina Tsatsis

    Hello I am having a hard time trying to get my dad into a stem cell clinical trial for stage four colan cancer that has mastastisized and spread to the lung. I really need to find a clinical trial that my father could get into. How do I go about getting my father in a clinical trial. We live in Boston and are willing to travel anywhere for help. Does anyone have any information on any Boston a local trials that are using stem cells. Please someone help. I am losing hope and am trying to stay hopeful. My heart is breaking watching my hero go through this .

    1. Hoping its going to bring out some answers to how and why of vitiligo , cant wait to hear something like that as stem cells would be the answer to vitiligo

  13. Brandy Willeford

    I am 42yrs old,I have an 18inch Herrington rod attached to my spine for scoliosis when I was 13…suffering miserably now,my scoliosis has done nothing but get worse along with several diseases of the spine.. praying stem cells will progress rapidly and relieve a lot of us from our pain who suffer with bone disorders and diseases son has epilepsy,it doesn’t run in the family but I did just read a report released today about how doctors tested spinal fluid for”anything unknown/not related to”the man’s DNA(or something along that line LOL but either way it was very interesting) and found a tapeworm in the brain resulting in a man’s mis diagnosis of another infection of the brain!! How exciting!!

  14. One more example Panama :
    Autisme clinical trail :
    ( and they do many others)

    And they selling as well therapy

    So not it’s not logical for me:
    At the same time ok scientific world acsepte their clinical trails but so much in criticism with ” medical tourism “….

    So if you go at the same clinic to be a part of clinical trail you “recognized ” as a part of trail….
    But not if it’s not a part of trail ….( for example panama not more taking for autisme trail naw but childrens can go and get the same treatment as for trail but parents has to pay…) so in such case haw we name it ?

  15. You are not logical on your link you can find by yourself :

    It’s clinical trail in India But
    Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute
    They are also selling stem cells treatments….

    As well as other examples I can give you:

    Beike Biotechnology
    Do clinical trails :

    This clinic sell stem cells so haw we can deferring their trails and publications?

  16. hi i live in Everett wa. i have had tinnitice for two yrs and it drives me crazy i can vollenture for stem cell reserch

  17. Lois Batchelor

    I wonder if there is a stem cell research project for Cauda Equina Syndrome, Degenerative Disc Disease.

  18. Great blog!!
    I am very pleased to read your blog and loved your idea of searching a proper suitable clinic for the patient’s disease.
    Thanks for sharing your blog, that was really helpful to me.

  19. My uncle have Virus C disease and other hepatic disease i cant remember its name.
    Does stem cells treatment will success in liver plantation? and how much this surgery cost ?


  21. Pingback: California Clinical Trial |

  22. Is there clinical research for someone who has lost a thumb in an accident? We have an 18 year old in the family who is battling physical and psychological issues that has lost her left thumb from tip back to the first knuckle joint.

    1. Hi Joyce,
      I can only imagine what she is going through. That is really tough.
      I’m not aware of the research on digit/limb replacement being very far along and I didn’t see any clinical trials listed on the .gov website for this. However, in a broad sense there is hope that stem cells may be able to be used to grow new parts of fingers, toes, and maybe even limbs. Unfortunately, I’m guessing we are 1-2 decades out from a chance of that becoming a practical reality though.
      Best wishes,

  23. Hi Paul my baby boy has Leigh’s disease due to a mutation in complex V. Any chance you know of a stem cell trial for mitochondrial patients. He’s going downhill. Would so much appreciate a clue to find a chance to save his life.
    Thanks so much

    1. @Sarah,
      I found the following result on when searching for Leigh’s:
      I don’t know if you have checked these out or if any of these would apply to your son. You could discuss the trials with his doctors.
      Stem cells hold promise for treating mitochondrial diseases too, but my sense is that those are probably many years down the road before they’ll be an option.
      My best wishes to your son, you and your family.

  24. Pingback: Stem cells get old too… - More Years Less Tears

  25. Pingback: Stem cells get old too… | SAGE

  26. I saw several questions asking about any clinical trials for stem cell therapy for COPD. Has anyone received any info about this? My husband, a pastor, really needs to find a treatment that will help more than just being prescribed inhalers…HELP, PLEASE!

  27. Hi,
    My name is Angela and I am interested in finding a clinical trial with stem cells for the lungs for COPD, Do you have any knowledge that you can share with me

  28. Pingback: AIM’s Tory Williams Unites Patient Advocacy with Stem Cell Funding in the Deep South | Equities Canada

  29. Pingback: AIM’s Tory Williams Unites Patient Advocacy with Stem Cell Funding in the Deep South :: CountingPips Forex Trading

  30. Will you have stem cell trials for Restless leg? It would be fantastic! I would do that Trial. I’m sick of this disease.

  31. I have myelomalacia at the site on my spinal cord where I had a spinal cord tumor removed – C4-C5 – I have some neurological symptoms which have developed: tingling in my feet , some numbness – could stem cells repair this? Where could I check for a reputable resource to contact??

  32. what about epilepsy? Why are you not trying harder to find out to solve this puzzle of disease what is taking the live out go me and so many other slowly? I what to be part of a clinical trial with stem cells transplant for epilepsy.

    1. Hi. I am in the same boat as you – looking for stem cell therapy to possibly help with my COPD. Have you found any resources to help you? I’d like to get into a clinical trial. Please let me know if you (or anyone else for that matter) has any information about that or any contact information. Please email me directly at; ~

      Thank you much. I’d be VERY appreciative.


        1. Ten open clinical trials for COPD using stem cells below – eight using adipose-derived stem cells, one with bone marrow stem cells and one for mobilization of bone marrow cells.

          Six in US but only one is multi-centric. Click on the study and scroll down to “Contacts and Locations”

  33. Hi,
    I am Vietnamese, My father got stroke more than 10 years ago. But he just got worse about 3 year recently.

    I love him very much and keep finding the new treatment which would help him to get better . I was very sad when I found nothing would help him. I’ve read about “stem cell treatment in stroke” then I think that this might be a hope for my dad.

    My question is : Is there any chance for my dad to try Stem cell treatment? it is not available in Vietnam. But I really want to find a chance for him to get better.

    Anyone of you have answers then please help to response.

    You would contact me via my personal email :

    Thank you.

  34. Pingback: Things to Know about Current Stem-Cell Treatments | The Injury Cooperative

  35. It’s great to see so much information on stem cell trials. I just heard about Bioheart Inc.’s Phase I ANGEL Trial in Mexico where congestive heart failure patients exceeded expectations. 60% of participants are walking more than 65 meters further after 3 months of stem cell injection ( – more promising results.

  36. A family member had neurological lyme disease. He has lost his eyesight and uses a wheelchair all the time. He has suffered for 4 years, taken IV antibotics for 2 years plus a crate full of other drugs and treatments. Neuro-feedback, homeopathic, diet therapys including; sugar free, gluten free, all organic, meatless, raw…you name it diets! He had 2 co-infections but no longer, just testing positive for lyme by Igenex Lab. He sees Dr. Stryker and also went to Dr. Harris for treatment. My question is are there any reputable clinical trials in the US for stem cell research? AND do you have an opinion on whether stem cells can help in the case of lyme disease? I should note, his health has gone down hill very fast. Any information you may have about other studies for this horrible disease would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Ellen,

      This is an alternative approach, but has your family member tried using a Rife machine AKA a frequency generator to kill the Borrelia? I know a number of people who got partially well (but not entirely well) after ABX but improved using this type of device, including myself. I’m still dealing with some problems (fungus, mold, metals and adrenal problems, but my major symptoms are gone.
      Best, Laura

  37. Thanks! I had seen that, but I thought maybe they would only accept emails from a doctor, not a layman interested in the clinical trial for themselves.

    1. Hi Melody,
      What a great question. I will now include in this page information on this. Thanks for asking! On any given clinical trials page on the website near the bottom is a “contact” person or person listed that you can email or call to inquire about enrollment. For example on this random trial on stem cells and stroke ( ) it says:

      Contacts and Locations
      Please refer to this study by its identifier: NCT00875654

      Contact: Jean-Luc Cracowski, MD, PhD

      So in that case one could email Dr Cracowski.

      Hope this helps!


  38. My concern is for my shoulder no cartilge bone on bone 24/7 ! It hurt’s when I sneeze & use arm for taking a drink or using it peroid.No relief what so ever.Can’t work & is putting me in financal stress.

  39. What about for Pulmonary Fibrosis? Is there any concluding clinical trials that prove stem cell and effective treatment? If so, where?

    1. What about Lyme disease,why isn’t .nY and USA up to date Helping US FOLKS suffering!disgracefull no insurance,it’s a rich person who gets help! F disgraceful

    2. There is at least one stem cell trial going on at the Mayo Clinic for Stem Cell regeneration of knees. Not sure why this Website doesn’t talk about it.

      1. My husband had stem cells with O2 and amniotic fluid put in. Totally relieved his 64 years worth of damage. He abused his knees with large steps and heavy mats AGAIN and after 1 and 1/2 years he had pain again in his left knee. We just had them injected again and once again relief. I’ve had IV ones done 3 times and do not notice a difference but I cannot wait to get my shoulders done. Umbilical cord cells definitely work for joint pain.

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