Stem cell reviews: clinics, therapies, & dubious ideas

Stem cell reviews of clinics and unproven therapies are an important relatively new part of The Niche.

Data point to thousands of stem cell clinics in the U.S. selling a wide variety of supposed cell therapies. How does one evaluate such clinics? This question is on my mind regularly as so many patients ask me it. I started a new series of fact-checking and review posts of clinics.

The series focuses on the largest or most concerning chains of clinics.

None of these clinics have good clinical trial evidence for safety or efficacy.

I’ve also reviewed sites that promote unproven stem cell clinics as well as dubious kinds of stem cells sold by clinics. There are some really dubious ideas out there. They’re questionable in the sense they don’t make sense or have good data but are already being marketed in some cases.

This resource page contains a list of these stem cell reviews. I’ll update the page as I do more reviews.

Reviews of unproven stem cell clinics don’t yield almost any with good data to back up what they are selling. Some seem to have questionable FDA compliance too.

Stem cell clinic reviews & fact-checking

Dubious types of stem cells and approaches to health conditions