Medical Advisory Board for The Niche

The-Niche-Blog, medical advisory boardThe Niche has formed a Medical Advisory Board. Why? Because of the array of translational and medical potential related to stem cells and regenerative medicine. Also, because since so many readers of The Niche are patients curious about potential stem cell treatments.

Such a medical board that also has bioethics expertise is more important than ever. Note the increasing penetrance of awareness of stem cells into everyday life, and the challenges presented by the Internet related to finding authoritative, expert content in the biomedical sphere.

The Board serves an advisory role to Dr. Paul Knoepfler, Ph.D. They provide feedback on the content and the educational mission of The Niche. Knoepfler is solely responsible for the content on The Niche.

Board members include internationally respected physicians, regenerative medicine researchers, and bioethicists. They have agreed to serve this role without compensation.

Bioethics and Medical Advisory Board

Dr. Hina Chaudhry, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine and Cardiology, Mt. Sinai. Dr. Chaudhry is the Director of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine. She is also a developmental geneticist with expertise in cell cycle biology, stem cell biology, and regenerative biology. She received her MD from Harvard and did her internship and residency at Duke.

Dr. Dan S. Kaufman, MD, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Medicine and Director of Cell Therapy Program, UC San Diego. Dr. Kaufman did his fellowship in hematology and a residency in internal medicine at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his MD from Mayo Medical School. Kaufman obtained a PhD in immunology at Mayo Graduate School in Rochester, Minnesota.

Dr. Arnold Kriegstein, M.D., Ph.D., Distinguished Professor in Stem Cell and Tissue Biology. He is also the Director of The Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCSF School of Medicine. Dr. Kriegstein received a BA from Yale and his MD and PhD degrees from NYU. He did his residency at Brigham and Women’s in Neurology.

Dr. Chuck Murry, MD, PhD, Professor USC. Dr. Murry got his MD and PhD from Duke and did his residency training in Pathology at the UW in Seattle.

Dr. David Pleasure, M.D., Distinguished Professor Neurology, UC Davis School of Medicine. Dr. Pleasure got his MD and did his residency in Neurology both at Columbia.

Dr. Mark Yarborough, PhD, Professor Emeritus, UC Davis School of Medicine. Dr. Yarborough received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Tennessee where he focused on bioethics.

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