As we look to 2025, what are the best regenerative medicine and stem cell journals? Is there a stem cell journal list out there? I seem to have the only comprehensive list. Who better than a stem cell biologist to put together this kind of list?
Why is this important?
Scientists need to know what journals might be best for their papers.
Additional people including instructors, investors, and many others also may want to follow or know about journals in this space. One challenge for those without institutional journal access is that journals now charge huge fees for access to even one article. These fees exist even for articles that include taxpayer-funded research, which doesn’t seem right.

What about stem cell journal impact factors?
How do we think about listing journals beyond topics?
Some folks are trying to discount impact factors but scientists still focus a lot on impact factor.
For that reason I’ve also included the most up-to-date impact factor IF info that I could find. Note that impact factors listed on the web can vary and change over time.
Older stem cell journal lists
Since 2012 and even 2016 some journals have disappeared, while other new ones have popped up. For instance, npj Regenerative Medicine is relatively new, but there are others too.
By the way, if you are looking for a fun, satirical read as well, I also did a satirical post on made-up stem cell journals with humorous names. Have some fun and take a look. Can you think of other made-up journal names?
Keep in mind that broader journals like Science, Blood, PLOS ONE, Nature, Cell, and others publish many stem cell articles too. Also, there are a few stem cell-specific others out there I didn’t include because I haven’t had a chance to read up on them yet.
The stem cell journal list
- Cell Stem Cell Impact Factor 19.8, tough to get into, great staff. Editor Sheila Chari.
- Stem Cells Impact Factor 4.0 , rigorous; fair review process. Editor is my wonderful colleague Jan Nolta..
- Stem Cells Translational Medicine Impact Factor 5.4, IF on the rise, good experiences here too. I do worry about them publishing some stuff from unproven stem cell clinics though such as the Stem Cell Institute in Panama.
- npj Regenerative Medicine Impact Factor 6.4. As a relatively new journal it has a great impact factor. There is now some lack of clarity on the current IF.
- Stem Cell Reports Impact Factor 5.9. Editor Martin Pera.
- Cytotherapy Impact Factor 5.4.
- Development Impact Factor 3.7, rigorous, but fair.
- Cell Transplantation Impact Factor 2.89.
- Stem Cells and Development Impact Factor 2.6, good experiences.
- Regenerative Medicine Impact Factor 2.8, good experiences with editors and reviewers.
- Stem Cell Research & Therapy Impact Factor 7.1.
- Stem Cell Reviews and Reports Impact Factor 4.5
Other stem cell journals
- Journal of Stem Cells Impact Factor unclear.
- Stem Cell Research Impact Factor 0.8
- Cellular Reprogramming Impact Factor is 1.2. (used to be called Cloning and Stem Cells)
- Current Stem Cell Reports Impact Factor 2.3.
- Journal of Stem Cells & Regenerative Medicine Impact Factor around 1.0
- Stem Cells International
- World Journal of Stem Cells Impact Factor reported 3.6
- Stem Cells and Cloning
- Stem Cell Biology and Research
Do you have a favorite stem cell or regenerative medicine journal not on this list? Let us know in the comments and say why you like it.
Great journals that often publish stem cell work
- Cell Impact Factor 66.85
- Science Impact Factor 47.7
- Nature Impact Factor 50.5
- Cell Reports Impact Factor 8.8
- Molecular Cell Impact Factor 14.5
- Cancer Cell Impact Factor 48.8 (this has spiked up)
- Nature Cell Biology Impact Factor 17.3
- Genes & Development Impact Factor 12.89