There’s a big FDA stem cell meeting coming along next week that has gotten much attention, but many people didn’t realize there’s also an FDA meeting on stem cells this week too in three days on September 8th.
I pasted this week’s meeting schedule at the bottom of this post from the FDA page. The meeting is a workshop entitled, “Public Workshop: Scientific Evidence in the Development of Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products Subject to Premarket Approval”.
The meeting next week on September 12-13 getting all the attention is entitled, “Draft Agenda: Part 15 Hearing: Draft Guidances Relating to the Regulation of Human Cells, Tissues, or Cellular or Tissue-Based Products”.
Within the “Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products” or HCT/P larger category the ones getting the most attention are stem cells. If you look at the speakers at this week’s meeting including the keynote by Irv Weissman, it’s pretty clear this meeting is focused squarely on stem cells even though it could apply to other products.
What’s the difference between the meetings?
The first meeting seems to be a broader look at the science related to stem cell products and considerations for their pre-market approval. The talks range from potential promise to serious negative outcomes that have been experienced, ethical and policy considerations, and then some other stuff that to me doesn’t quite seem to fit such as the warfare talk.
By contrast, the second meeting occurring next week is specifically focused on the four FDA draft guidances published last year and provides an opportunity for dozens of stakeholders to speak.
What will happen and be the aftermath of these meetings? One would need a stem cell crystal ball to be sure. Why is the FDA doing these meetings? Together they will demonstrate a reasonable effort on the part of the FDA to seriously tackle the stem cell issue on multiple levels, get various perspectives, and form a foundation for future decisions and potential regulatory actions. I’m hopeful the meetings will lead to a better oversight framework for stem cells that is more nimble, ultimately safer for patients, and better for the stem cell field overall.
September 8th stem cell meeting at FDA.
8:30-8:40: Welcome/Opening remarks: Celia Witten, PhD, MD
8:40-9:45: Session 1: Keynote and Regulatory Scheme
8:40-9:10: Keynote address: Irving Weissman, MD, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
9:10-9:15: Questions to keynote speaker
9:15-9:45: Steven Bauer, PhD, FDA Perspectives on Scientific Evidence and HCT/P Development
9:45-11:40: Session 2: Experiences in Product Development
9:45-10:05: Jacques Galipeau, MD, How Mechanistic Studies on Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Inform Design of Human Clinical Trials for Autoimmune Ailments – The Fitness Paradigm
10:05-10:25: Michael Matthay, MD, Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Treatment of ARDS Patients: Challenges & Lessons Learned in Pre-Clinical Testing, FDA Approval, and Ongoing Clinical Trial
10:25-10:40: Break
10:40-11:00: Gregory Russotti, PhD, Drivers and Methodologies for Making Cell Therapy Process Changes
11:00-11:20: Dennis Clegg, PhD, Development of ES-derived Retinal Pigmented Epithelium on a Scaffold for Age-related Macular Degeneration
11:20-11:40: Christopher Breuer, MD, The Development and Translation of the Tissue Engineered Vascular Graft: From the Bench to the Bedside and Back Again
11:40-12:20: Panel Discussion 1: Galipeau, Matthay, Russotti, Clegg, Breuer, Weisman
12:20-1:20: Lunch
1:20-2:20: Session 3: Views from Professional Societies
1:20-1:40: Jonathan Kimmelman, PhD, Ethics, Evidence, and Regulatory Approval for Cell-Based Interventions
1:40-2:00: Massimo Dominici, MD, Dissecting Unproven Cellular Therapies: The International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) Position
2:00-2:20: Peter Rubin, MD, Clinical Adipose-Based Therapies
2:20-2:40: Session 4: Views from other Government Agencies
2:20-2:30: Kristy Pottol, Delivering Mission Ready Medical Solutions to the Warfighter
2:30-2:40: Martha Lundberg, PhD, Enabling Development of Regenerative Medicine Technologies and Therapies at the NHLBI
2:40-2:55: Break
2:55-4:15 Session 5: Patient and Society Experience and Expectations
2:55-3:15: Jeffrey Kahn, PhD, Societal Perspectives on Development and Oversight of Novel Cell-Based Therapies
3:15-3:35: Brian Mansfield, PhD, Perspectives of Stem Cell Therapy for Orphan Inherited Retinal Dystrophies
3:35-3:55: Thomas Albini, MD, Severe Visual Loss After Intravitreal Injection of Autologous Adipose Tissue-derived Stem Cells for Age-related Macular Degeneration
3:55-4:15: Michael Miller, MD, PhD, Glioproliferative Lesion of the Spinal cord Arising from Exogenous Stem Cells
4:15-4:50: Panel Discussion 2: Kahn, Kimmelman, Dominici, Rubin, Pottol, Lundberg, Mansfield, Albini, Miller
4:50-5:00: Closing Remarks: Irving Weissman, MD
I hope they will start running trials so people will be able to get some help with COPD and they can stay home instead of going out of the country to get help.Lets all say a prayer that some thing good comes out of this and stem cell trials will start here at home.
just take a look at this paper
maybe a game changer for the regeneration of any tissue …
There will be a webcast for the Public Workshop:Scientific Evidence in Development of HCT/Ps Subject to Premarket Approval – but it appears to be accessible only through registration with Eventbrite.
Online registration is closed so try contacting Tasha Johnson or Pauline Cottrell at CBERPublicEvents@fda.hhs.gov (subject line: FDA SEDHC workshop).
You’ll need to send your full name and title, job title, organization, country, email address and phone number.
Paul- This meeting will be educational, for the FDA and us, because there are talks about what a stem cell clinical trial entails, and reports on cases in which people have been harmed by unregulated clinics. It’s public, so there should be a webcast. However, I’ve looked for a link and haven’t found one.
Thanks, Jeanne. Yeah, I haven’t found a link either. Do you know of a webcast link for the 2-day mtg you’re attending next week?
For the Sept 12/13 meeting, the FDA says that “A link to the Webcast will be made available on this web page”. The web page where I found this statement is http://www.fda.gov/BiologicsBloodVaccines/NewsEvents/WorkshopsMeetingsConferences/ucm462125.htm
I’d hoped to go to both FDA meetings, but they’re too far apart for me to stay in DC for both.
WOW!! Thanks so very much for posting this. I look forward to your comments on both meetings but especially the meeting on the 8th. I am soo pleased that you do what you do.
Will these meeting be webcast? It would be nice to follow them if we cant attend.
Rick Vulliet