Happy science Friday and here’s a TGIF list of recent stem cell news and papers.
The FDA warning letter to Richard Burt of Northwestern related to noncompliance issues with his stem cell clinic trial for MS has dominated the news recently, but some other notable things have happened as well on stem cells and more generally in science. I’ve posted some notable news bites below.
More insights on molecular mechanisms of control of cancer stem cells and potential ties to metastasis from Nature paper and interesting Nature cover depicting cancer stem cells above: A distinct role for Lgr5+ stem cells in primary and metastatic colon cancer.
- Surprising, cool finding in mice on adult stem cells in the lung having the ability to make platelets and replenish bone marrow stem/progenitor cells. Could this be the case in humans too? Make it open up new treatments?
- IPS cell-based study for macular degeneration transplants 2nd patient, but for the first time in an allogeneic fashion. Early days, but an important starting point.
- NYT reports on how would Trump’s FDA Commissioner Nominee proposes to deal with potential conflicts of interest.
- Stem cell repair of teeth on the horizon?
- Stem cell epigenetics and developmental biology: new paper from Cell Stem Cell: H3K4 Methylation-Dependent Memory of Somatic Cell Identity Inhibits Reprogramming and Development of Nuclear Transfer Embryos