Kristin Comella resigns from embattled clinic firm US Stem Cell

Kristin ComellaUS Stem Cell, Inc. reports in a new SEC filing that its key leader Kristin Comella has resigned as of September 1.

I never thought I’d see the day when Kristin Comella and US Stem Cell, Inc. parted ways.

To me Comella seemed like the driving force behind the company, which is now subject to an injunction after a big federal court loss. It is appealing the ruling, but faces a tough road ahead in my view.

From the new SEC filing:

“Effective September 1, 2019, Kristin Comella resigned as a member of the Board of Directors of the Company and has left her position as Chief Scientific Officer. There were no disagreements by Ms. Comella as to the Company’s operations, policies or practices.”

What’s going on? Why did she resign?

Who’s in charge now? (the current leadership page for USRM doesn’t list Comella any longer).

What will be the company’s focus now moving forward with new leadership and can it keep on going?

Lots of questions, few answers.

I would have predicted that Comella would be along all the way for the continuing battle through the appeal. I see this resignation as suggesting that something else major may be going on with the firm or Comella or both. Whatever that “something” is, it’s probably not good news for them.

It may be interesting now at a kind of end point for the Comella/US Stem relationship for readers to go back to my interview with Comella 4+ years ago when we got some of the first inklings of the direct-to-consumer push by her company, then in a sense still called Bioheart.

More broadly, 2019 continues to be arguably the worst year for unproven stem cell clinics ever. While there are still hundreds of them out there, their future does not look promising in my opinion. The FDA is keeping up its elevated level of actions on clinics. The clinics won’t be able to run Google ads anymore. There are many patient lawsuits. Clinic suppliers are also drawing more attention, criticism, and FDA action too. The FTC has taken action and may take more. State AGs and medical boards are paying more attention.

2020 may be even worse for the clinics and their suppliers. This is all good news for the overall stem cell field and for patients, but there may be more confusion and ups and downs before the dust settles somewhat.

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8 thoughts on “Kristin Comella resigns from embattled clinic firm US Stem Cell”

  1. You can watch a movie on Amazon prime called “ from jail cell to Stem Cell” that tals about Comella blinding three women and her fake PHD which she doesn’t have. It’s a great movie. I recommend everybody check it out. It’s a little long but I watch it on twice the speed.

  2. You are all so sanctimonious and righteous! What about all the patients that did well on stem cells???? Do you give them the time of day? Hell no!!! My husband would have been dead by now if not for the stem cells. But all you care about is your rules and regs and probably you are in Big Pharma’s pocket too or at least brain washed by them. They are evil and only want money so how can you blame people searching for something better?”! Big Pharma sure as hell doesn’t have it!!!

    1. @KB,
      I have no issue with patients. In fact, I invite patients to comment and try to include their views.
      The many patients who reach out to me shape my thinking too.
      I do have an issue with clinics that take advantage of vulnerable patients to sell them unproven, sometimes risky “stem cells”.
      Some big pharma companies have done great harm, but I just haven’t seen them do anything like that in the stem cell research area. If they are hampering regenerative medicine research, somehow after almost 10 years doing this blog I haven’t seen any evidence. I think clinics use that as an excuse.

  3. Hopefully USRM can regroup and keep working on their FDA-approved scientific work (or new stem cell work) and eventually bring that to the market.

  4. Sad this person is running from society …She has done a lot of damage to field of regenerative medicine

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