“Not lost in translation” stem cell outreach project caps 2 million reads

Stem cells not lost in translation Knoepfler The NicheMany years ago I started a “not lost in translation” outreach project here on The Niche called SCOPE, meaning Stem Cell Outreach Program for Education. I thought it’d be useful for people all around the world who didn’t necessarily speak English to be able to get authoritative, factual data on stem cells. That was about it. A useful tool. However, it really took off like I never imagined in nearly every country of the world.

SCOPE has a stem cell white paper in 34 languages and people have been reading up a storm on these pages. At the time I launched SCOPE there was next to nothing on stem cells on the web in other languages on readily accessible pages that I could find. Now many other sites have non-English language pages on stem cells too. Stem cells still are sometimes lost in translation, but not as often.

What blew my mind was the appetite for these pages in terms of the volume.

As of today, our Spanish language page alone has been viewed more than 680,000 times and our Indonesian page almost 300,000 times so just these top two pages have almost one million reads.

Our Arabic page has about 250,000 views. SCOPE has been a bit hit across the world. Just the top dozen or so pages have over 2 million reads in total.

It’s also been interesting at times to see certain language pages spike and then I can track down why such as this stem cell investigation in Romania and this police raid in Indonesia. The metrics data are collectively akin to a stem cell geographic barometer.

Here are the 34 language pages listed alphabetically with links in each specific language:

A big thank you again goes to our volunteer translators, who mostly are scientists.

Please email me knoepflerATucdavisDOTedu if you can translate into another language not on the list.

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3 thoughts on ““Not lost in translation” stem cell outreach project caps 2 million reads”

  1. “Patients have died from such treatments. ”. Would you care to elaborate on how many patients have died from “such treatments”, including an estimate of how many people have been treated with them? Many more Patients have died from supposedly “safe” FDA-approved treatments.

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