Search Results for: celltex

Rick Perry plugs Celltex MSCs on Fox for COVID-19 prevention


Why is former Texas Governor/Trump Energy Secretary Rick Perry plugging unproven stem cells from a clinic firm called Celltex for COVID-19 prevention on Fox News? Perry follows in Giuliani’s footsteps? And more generally, what is it with conservative politicians promoting unproven therapies for COVID-19 and in particular stem cells for the novel coronavirus disease? First, […]

Rick Perry plugs Celltex MSCs on Fox for COVID-19 prevention Read More »

Why did Texas A&M ink big deal with stem cell clinic firm Celltex on exosomes?


The recent news that Texas A&M University has inked a full-blown deal with the direct-to-consumer stem cell clinic firm Celltex struck me as an unusual development. Recently we’ve seen more universities exploring the use of stem cells outside of the traditional FDA clinical trial process that is fundamentally based on an investigational new drug application (IND). Some

Why did Texas A&M ink big deal with stem cell clinic firm Celltex on exosomes? Read More »

Rick Perry resigns from stem cell clinic Celltex, where he earned $175K


Former Texas governor Rick Perry, now the Trump Department of energy (DoE) nominee, has a long association with the Texas stem cell clinic, Celltex. He was a patient of Celltex, which some years back infused Perry with non-FDA approved stem cells. The company received a warning letter from the FDA and since that time has

Rick Perry resigns from stem cell clinic Celltex, where he earned $175K Read More »

Rick Perry’s Paid Board Position at Controversial Stem Cell Clinic Celltex


If you rewind the stem cell clock several years, the big news in the stem cell clinic arena was dominated for quite some time by a single stem cell clinic called Celltex in Texas in part because their most famous customer was Governor (at that time) Rick Perry. You can read the many past posts I’ve

Rick Perry’s Paid Board Position at Controversial Stem Cell Clinic Celltex Read More »

CNN blows it on Celltex, controversial stem cell clinic in Mexico


CNN stumbled badly on its recent article on Celltex, a Texas-owned stem cell clinic that has seen more than its share of controversy over the years including tangles with the FDA. As a result, the company has moved its clinical operations to Mexico where oversight is more lax. Their customers include American patients in Mexico

CNN blows it on Celltex, controversial stem cell clinic in Mexico Read More »

Tex-Mex Stem Cell Clinic, Celltex, on PR roll with young & famous patients


Remember good old Celltex? That’s the Texas stem cell clinic with the famous patient, former Texas Governor and two-time GOP Presidential hopeful, Rick Perry. It ran afoul of the FDA and headed for the border, setting up shop in Cancun, Mexico. They have since mostly flown under the radar with the exception of their concerning

Tex-Mex Stem Cell Clinic, Celltex, on PR roll with young & famous patients Read More »

Celltex FDA FOIA letter #2: no safety concerns with our stem cells, which really are not drugs

A FOIA request that I made with the FDA in mid-December 2012 has at long last revealed  letters from Celltex  to the FDA that previously were not in the public domain. The reason for the FOIA and for these blog posts is to shed some light on important issues that particularly relate to patient safety. I

Celltex FDA FOIA letter #2: no safety concerns with our stem cells, which really are not drugs Read More »