Search Results for: pain

Weekly reads: patient views on stem cell clinics, vertebrate super-pygmies, Tasmanian tiger, low back pain

stem cell clinics map

What do patients who go to stem cell clinics really think of their experiences? It can be hard to get good data on this important question. For that reason, it was great to see a new article on this topic. With perhaps around 2,000 unproven clinics in the U.S., these firms are likely to have […]

Weekly reads: patient views on stem cell clinics, vertebrate super-pygmies, Tasmanian tiger, low back pain Read More »

Trying to connect the dots on CRISPR baby story paints a dark, cloudy picture


When I was a little kid I played this game called “connect the dots” or “dot-to-dot”, where you draw a line from dot-to-dot in numerical order and at some point a picture starts to emerge. I think kids and even some adults still play this today. They even come in extreme versions with hundreds or

Trying to connect the dots on CRISPR baby story paints a dark, cloudy picture Read More »

Arthritis patient with pain’s email on stem cell clinic & my answer

Knee arthritis, stem cell therapy for knees

Stem cells for arthritis and pain are hot topics these days and I’m getting an increasing number of patients reaching out with questions and sharing their situations related to arthritis or pain (or usually both together). I asked one arthritis patient who reached out to me if they would be OK with me sharing their

Arthritis patient with pain’s email on stem cell clinic & my answer Read More »

Pain in a dish? Drug testing bench to bedside with IPS cells


A new study on treating pain with a unique stem cell connection caught my attention. The paper was from a team at Pfizer led by Edward B. Stevens. Talk about bench to bedside, these researchers went all the way from patients to patient somatic cells to reprogrammed IPSC to neurons to model pain in a dish

Pain in a dish? Drug testing bench to bedside with IPS cells Read More »

NAE member Mary Pat Moyer on FDA Warning Letter to her firm INCELL Corporation

A Texas firm called INCELL Corporation has received an FDA warning letter about an amniotic product it manufactures. The letter was addressed to the firm’s founder and leader Dr. Mary Pat Moyer. The letter is somewhat unusual as Dr. Moyer is the Chief Science Officer of INCELL, and is an academic scientist with over 250

NAE member Mary Pat Moyer on FDA Warning Letter to her firm INCELL Corporation Read More »