Search Results for: stephen chen

‘We Cannot Stick to the Rules’: claims of stem cells saving COVID-19 patients


I’ve been watching as the number of registered stem cell-related clinical trials for the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) disease COVID-19 continues to spiral upward, mostly in China. During the last two weeks, I’ve been trying to carve out a bit of time to look at these actual trials in more depth, but I admittedly haven’t gotten […]

‘We Cannot Stick to the Rules’: claims of stem cells saving COVID-19 patients Read More »

Heads up on Hui Yang, another potential aspiring CRISPR baby researcher


Making a CRISPR baby is a controversial idea to even propose now for many reasons, yet even after He Jiankui’s train wreck some people have seemed eager to try it including apparently a scientist whose name perhaps many readers here are not so familiar with in this context: Professor Hui Yang. ‘CRISPR baby guys’ Is

Heads up on Hui Yang, another potential aspiring CRISPR baby researcher Read More »