Search Results for: viacyte

ViaCyte purchase puts Vertex in driver’s seat on stem cells for diabetes

Doug Melton, Vertex, ViaCyte

When I’m asked about the most promising areas of stem cell clinical research, cell therapy for type I diabetes is near the top including work by a biotech called ViaCyte. Other firms are in the mix too, boosting the overall odds of success in the coming decade. It’s really that promising even though there are […]

ViaCyte purchase puts Vertex in driver’s seat on stem cells for diabetes Read More »

Quick reaction to milestone ViaCyte data on a diabetes patient

VC-01-post-implant-final1-e1503703572933, viacyte

ViaCyte released encouraging data just now on a patient with implanted stem cell-derived pancreas-like device whose diabetes improved. You can read more about this in the Endpoints piece that I linked to in the previous sentence. Stem cells for diabetes; the ViaCyte update The idea of stem cells for diabetes has been more on my

Quick reaction to milestone ViaCyte data on a diabetes patient Read More »

ViaCyte Q&A: CRISPR Tx quick progress, ongoing diabetes trial, & more


ViaCyte is one of the most exciting stem cell and regenerative medicine biotech companies so I like to try to check in with them regularly. Today’s post is my new interview with ViaCyte leader Paul Laikind on recent developments. We had a great chat about the science and how things are looking upbeat for the

ViaCyte Q&A: CRISPR Tx quick progress, ongoing diabetes trial, & more Read More »

Quick Q&A with ViaCyte CEO on CRISPR-stem cell work

VC-01-post-implant-final1-e1503703572933, viacyte

We heard this week about the encouraging news of a new CRISPR-stem cell collaboration between stem cell biotech ViaCyte and CRISPR Therapeutics. The goal of the team is to make genetically engineered pancreatic derivatives from stem cells that would have a unique immune stealthiness. If such an approach was successful, patients would not need to

Quick Q&A with ViaCyte CEO on CRISPR-stem cell work Read More »

ViaCyte & CRISPR Therapeutics team up to battle diabetes

ViaCyte, cell therapy for diabetes

What happens when one of the most exciting stem cell biotechs ViaCyte teams up with a firm like CRISPR Therapeutics to use a combination of gene editing and cell therapy? Hopefully a synergistic partnership emerges that in this case can develop an effective stem cell-based therapy for diabetes. You can see a press release on

ViaCyte & CRISPR Therapeutics team up to battle diabetes Read More »

ViaCyte Interview on Diabetes Stem Cell Trials & Cool Role of Gore-Tex Tech

ViaCyte, cell therapy for diabetes

When I think of the promise of stem cells for diabetes, the privately held California stem cell firm ViaCyte is the first biotech that comes to mind now. It has promising stem cell clinical trial work building. Today’s post is a new interview with the company’s CEO Paul Laikind. For past posts on ViaCyte see here, which

ViaCyte Interview on Diabetes Stem Cell Trials & Cool Role of Gore-Tex Tech Read More »

Stem cell therapy review of good news: UC Davis, Asterias, Cynata, Mesoblast, ViaCyte

VC-01-post-implant-final1-e1503703572933, viacyte

It’s a difficult, but very important road to conclusively prove that an investigational stem cell therapy is both safe and effective in order to get final approval FDA or equivalents in other countries. For this reason, it is beneficial to highlight even small, but positive steps forward including encouraging pre-clinical data. Today I’m doing a

Stem cell therapy review of good news: UC Davis, Asterias, Cynata, Mesoblast, ViaCyte Read More »

ViaCyte on the Rise: First Diabetes Trial Data & Acquires BetaLogics IP

VC-01-post-implant-final1-e1503703572933, viacyte

Clinical research on Type I Diabetes is one of the most exciting and promising areas of stem cells and regenerative medicine for human disease. Two of the coolest companies out there in this arena have been ViaCyte and BetaLogics (owned by J&J). For more on ViaCyte see my interview with President and CEO Paul Laikind

ViaCyte on the Rise: First Diabetes Trial Data & Acquires BetaLogics IP Read More »

Biotech Talks #ISSCR2015: StemCells Inc, Semma, ViaCyte, & Le Blanc


The path to the clinic is a slow and arduous activity, frustrating not only to the researcher and patient, but investors and biotech companies. Successful clinical translation of technologies requires a balance of science, streamlined translation and funding. To develop fantastic science and then realise the most important components cannot be adapted to the clinical

Biotech Talks #ISSCR2015: StemCells Inc, Semma, ViaCyte, & Le Blanc Read More »

ViaCyte CEO Laikind Interview: Trial Update, Melton, & Future

VC-01-post-implant-final1-e1503703572933, viacyte

It’s been exciting to watch the recent developments in using stem cells as the basis for treatments for Type I Diabetes. One of the major players in this arena is the privately-held company, ViaCyte. In this post, I interview ViaCyte President and CEO, Paul Laikind. The topics include their VC-01 product, the Encaptra device, an update on

ViaCyte CEO Laikind Interview: Trial Update, Melton, & Future Read More »