Recommended reads: 3 infected in Mexico, stem cell hype, hearing restoration

muscle stem cell hype

Stem cell hype is a big problem these days. It’s been going on for decades. Even some generally good citizens of the stem cell and regenerative medicine arena engage in it at times. Maybe a few of them don’t even realize what they are doing. I think a few journalists occasionally fall into the hype […]

Recommended reads: 3 infected in Mexico, stem cell hype, hearing restoration Read More »

Is Liz Parrish the world’s most genetically modified person? Why it might not be such a good thing

Liz Parrish, BioViva

Some recent claims had me wondering whether Liz Parrish is the world’s most genetically modified person. She and her firm BioViva are making that claim. It’s an important question but maybe not for the reason many of us first might think. This is not really about one person. Instead, this is a weighty question because

Is Liz Parrish the world’s most genetically modified person? Why it might not be such a good thing Read More »

Recommended reads: lung stem cells, Utah stem cell law, Ozzy gets cells

normal lung alveoli indicating examples at1 and at2 cells

We’ve known that most organs have resident stem cell populations for decades, but things have been less clear in the lung and it has only been relatively recently that lung stem cells have been definitively characterized. Why is so important? Lung stem cells, whether endogenous or made in the lab, have the potential to help

Recommended reads: lung stem cells, Utah stem cell law, Ozzy gets cells Read More »

New Walgreens shopping list: q-tips, aspirin, & cutting-edge gene & cell therapies

It takes a lot to surprise me these days in the cell therapy and regenerative medicine space, but some news from Walgreens stopped me in my tracks yesterday. The firm most well known for its drug stores and pharmacies has been struggling recently. Perhaps as a way to try to turn things around, they recently

New Walgreens shopping list: q-tips, aspirin, & cutting-edge gene & cell therapies Read More »

Recent stem cell & regenerative medicine good news

stem cell good news, good news

Looking for some stem cell good news? You’ll like today’s post. One mission of this blog The Niche is to promote rigorous science-based regenerative medicine, which can lead to investigating and writing about not-so-upbeat stuff. Risky clinics. People getting hurt. Patient lawsuits. Serious FDA, FTC, or state AG regulatory developments. Such actions can be good

Recent stem cell & regenerative medicine good news Read More »

Recommended reads: John Cleese, surprising human embryo study, stem bank scandal, reprogramming & aging

John Cleese stem cells anti-aging, John Cleese

If you remember Monty Python, then you probably recall John Cleese. We’ll start with Cleese’s stem cell baloney. Not spam. Secret to eternal youth? John Cleese extols virtues of stem cell treatment, The Guardian. I’ve written before about John Cleese’s stem cell anti-aging efforts. As I told the author of The Guardian piece, I love

Recommended reads: John Cleese, surprising human embryo study, stem bank scandal, reprogramming & aging Read More »

Recommended reads: police act on phony autism cure, Aspen starts Parkinson’s trial, reprogramming to iBlastoids

stem cells for autism

People often ask me about stem cells for autism or even their hope of an autism cure. I’ve explained that there is no new treatment for autism based on stem cells. There aren’t even mildly encouraging data. Note that it can be hurtful to the community to talk about an autism cure and disregarding neurodiversity.

Recommended reads: police act on phony autism cure, Aspen starts Parkinson’s trial, reprogramming to iBlastoids Read More »

US clinics selling unproven RGCC cell therapies in addition to SOT

FL RGCC cell therapy

I wrote a few weeks ago about a firm called RGCC or Research Genetic Cancer Center, which sells what I see as an unproven RNA therapy to clinics throughout the US. The approach is called supportive oligonucleotide therapy or SOT. After buying it from RGCC, the clinics then sell SOT injections for Lyme disease, other

US clinics selling unproven RGCC cell therapies in addition to SOT Read More »

Weekly reads: abundant Abcam prices, speedy aging & cancer, stemmy CAR-T, more on STAP

Abcam prices

When a vendor of important reagents like antibody supplier Abcam charges big money, those high Abcam prices could negatively impact research in the long run. Some of the prices are so high that buying just a few antibodies could take up a small but meaningful slice of an entire R01 grant. Sky-high Abcam prices I’ve

Weekly reads: abundant Abcam prices, speedy aging & cancer, stemmy CAR-T, more on STAP Read More »

Perspectives on new stem cells for paralysis paper & media coverage

stem cells for paralysis

A new paper on stem cells for paralysis from a Mayo Clinic team has sparked a bit of legitimate hope but also some hype in the media. The publication was in Nature Communications. It is entitled “Intrathecal delivery of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in traumatic spinal cord injury: Phase I trial.” The approach was direct injection

Perspectives on new stem cells for paralysis paper & media coverage Read More »

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