Scandalous stem cell clinic behavior?

Whether it is people or cells, how much control do we really have over their behavior? Very little. The Secret Service is at the center of a huge international scandal involving prostitution and potentially compromised nationally security. Clearly, the Secret Service failed to do their incredibly important job of protecting the President and national security, […]

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Will the real Don Margolis please stand up: ties to Grekos who is charged in stem cell fatalities


Dr. Zannos Grekos has administered so-called stem cell-based treatments to patients, at least two of whom have died following treatment in the last couple years. It is an understatement to say that Grekos is in serious hot water with various authorities at the state and federal levels. In the case of a 77-year old man

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Why the Pepsi stem cell myth matters: the dangerous spread of fiction-based reality

Lately the urban myth that there are embryonic stem cells in Pepsi has been spreading like wildfire. I’ve been doing some mythbusting part to squelch these flames (and not by pouring Pepsi on them), but it isn’t easy. Why does it even matter if some folks are going around saying there are embryonic stem cells

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Pessimism of Stem Cell Field on Federal Court Case: Poll results

I put up a poll recently asking readers how they predicted the federal court would rule on federal funding of human ESC research. Six out of 10 respondents believed that the court would rule against the government, in effect making federal funding of ESC research illegal. In addition, one third of respondents believed an immediate injunction

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