Lessons from the Komen Fiasco and Propaganda Wars


The Komen foundation has had a rough couple weeks, huh? First, it said it would not longer provide support to Planned Parenthood under pressure from anti-choice extremists, some of whom appear to have infiltrated Komen itself. Predictably, there was a firestorm of criticism that has damaged Komen and arguably may have actually been quite helpful […]

Lessons from the Komen Fiasco and Propaganda Wars Read More »

A critique of the Witherspoon Institute stem cell report

Lately I have been critical of an ultra-conservative political think tank-like foundation called the Witherspoon Institute. They have recently joined the federal lawsuit as friends of the plaintiffs suing to stop federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. The Witherspoon Council has just published a 100+ page report on stem cells in the very conservative, somewhat obscure

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Stem cells in my Pepsi? New crazy stem cell myths


Just when I thought that the myths about stem cells, particularly embryonic stem cells, couldn’t get any more fantastic (as in based on fantasy), we have some bright folks out there thinking that soda (pop, coke, pepsi, whatever you call it) is made using embryonic stem cells. The headline goes: Pepsi is using embryonic stem cells

Stem cells in my Pepsi? New crazy stem cell myths Read More »

Watch out California, here comes Texas, the stem cell magnet: Doris Taylor latest to go South

Doris Taylor is heading southeast? Texas is holding up a Texas-sized magnet for stem cell super star researchers and it is working. The upper mid-West is reeling from the departure of two stem cell superstars in less than one year and both went South to Texas. First in May 2011, we had the departure of

Watch out California, here comes Texas, the stem cell magnet: Doris Taylor latest to go South Read More »

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