Word Cloud of Every CIRM-funded grant yields some surprising insights


CIRM, the California stem cell agency, has funded hundreds of grants during its relatively short existence. You can do searches of these grants through a handy dandy web portal that CIRM has made available–it’s a very cool tool and I commend CIRM for making it available. I wish the tool had more options however including […]

Word Cloud of Every CIRM-funded grant yields some surprising insights Read More »

Indicted alleged stem cell predator Morales & Margolis: any links?


There was another federal indictment just handed down that alleges that one Francisco Morales (aka Dr. Frank Morales) broke the law with stem cells. Allegedly he took umbilical cords (telling patients that they would be used for medical research), facilitated isolation of stem cells, and shipped them out of state to be used in dubious

Indicted alleged stem cell predator Morales & Margolis: any links? Read More »

Anti-stem cell extremists attack University of Minnesota and specific scientists

The anti-stem cell folks have the University of Minnesota in their crosshairs of late, even making personal attacks on specific stem cell scientists. What the heck? Let me explain what is going on. The propaganda arm of the anti-stem/anti-women’s rights movement is the National Right to Life News (NRLN). This is one of those extremist

Anti-stem cell extremists attack University of Minnesota and specific scientists Read More »

Did Stem Cells Ruin Rick Perry’s Chances to Be President?


Earlier this year we found out that Texas Governor and GOP Presidential hopeful, Rick Perry, had received a stem cell transplant. You can read more about this here. The details of Perry’s transplant remain somewhat obscure, but as best as we can tell he received the transplant here in the U.S., most likely in Houston,

Did Stem Cells Ruin Rick Perry’s Chances to Be President? Read More »

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