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5 new cool stem cell papers worth a look for weekend reading

Some diverse new stem cell papers worth a peek this weekend? Direct reprogramming hits crest: Generation of Multipotent Induced Neural Crest by Direct Reprogramming of Human Postnatal Fibroblasts with a Single Transcription Factor, Cell Stem Cell  Hormone receptors in prostate cancer cells versus stem cells: Concise Review: Androgen Receptor Differential Roles in Stem/Progenitor Cells Including Prostate, Embryonic, Stromal, […]

5 new cool stem cell papers worth a look for weekend reading Read More »

Review of Mitalipov Nature paper: cloned ES cells vs iPS cells


Just how good are human embryonic stem (ES) cells made by therapeutic cloning via nuclear transfer, with the successful technique first reported by the lab of Shoukhrat Mitalipov at OHSU last year? How do they compare to induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells or traditional ES cells made from IVF embryos? A new paper in Nature directly tackles these

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Cool paper by Shawn Cowley Lab on the role of HDACs in ES cells


It was great being a postdoc in Bob Eisenman’s Lab at the Hutch in Seattle with colleagues like fellow postdoc Shawn Cowley. I loved it.  Bob is a great mentor (see more on my experience there here) and the scientific interactions in the lab were wonderful. It’s been fun and interesting to follow the work

Cool paper by Shawn Cowley Lab on the role of HDACs in ES cells Read More »

Cool, encouraging new preclinical study on monkey stem cells


What happens if we start using induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells clinically in humans? A cool new paper recently came out that gets us closer to being able to predict an answer. It’s an important question as iPS cell-derived cellular products are getting closer to clinical use. For example, the first iPS cell-based clinical trial

Cool, encouraging new preclinical study on monkey stem cells Read More »

Perspectives on Lee Lab F1000 Paper that STAP Cell Method Does Not Work


A paper has been published reporting that repeated attempts to make so-called “acid bath stem cells” have failed. At the end of January it was claimed in two Nature papers that a mild acid treatment created pluripotent or even totipotent stem cells that that the authors termed “STAP cells” or “STAP stem cells” (collectively referred

Perspectives on Lee Lab F1000 Paper that STAP Cell Method Does Not Work Read More »

Review of New ACT Paper on hESC-derived MSCs


Advanced Cell Technology (ACT; $ACTC) has a new paper out on using human embryonic stem cells (hESC) to make MSCs with potentially powerful therapeutic potential. The paper, entitled Mesenchymal stem cell population derived from human pluripotent stem cells displays potent immunomodulatory and therapeutic properties, was published in the journal Stem Cells and Development. What’s the scoop on this

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Cool Cell Stem Cell Paper From Ishii Team on Histones & Reprogramming

Two of my favorite things are stem cells and histones. When they both come together in one paper and it’s in my favorite journal, Cell Stem Cell, you’ve got my full attention. My own lab is especially interested in the roles of histones and Myc in stem cells. So when I saw a paper a paper from

Cool Cell Stem Cell Paper From Ishii Team on Histones & Reprogramming Read More »

Review of Obokata STAP cells Nature papers


In two Nature papers (here and here) published today researchers report the astounding finding of reprogramming differentiated cells back to a pluripotent or even totipotent state simply by exposing the cells to extreme environmental stress, creating cells they called STAP cells. Update: see more thoughts on STAP stem cells here. STAP cells: stressing the cell

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100% reprogramming efficiency reports Jacob Hanna

A team at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel led by Jacob Hanna reports today near perfect reprogramming efficiency to make induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by eliminating a single factor called Mbd3 from the cellular equation. On first glance, the Nature article (Rais, et al.) seems to be all about boosting cellular reprogramming efficiency to close

100% reprogramming efficiency reports Jacob Hanna Read More »

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