STAP cells

Perspectives 10 years after STAP cells: the culture of science, misconduct, & hopes for progress


Exactly ten years ago today, on January 29, 2014, I wrote about two new Nature papers on so-called STAP cells. The papers claimed that stress alone could convert regular non-stem cells into some of the most powerful stem cells. More specifically, the authors claimed to make pluripotent stem cells similar to iPS cells this way. […]

Perspectives 10 years after STAP cells: the culture of science, misconduct, & hopes for progress Read More »

4th Obokata retraction after Harvard investigation: STAP saga finally over?


Retraction Watch broke the news that Haruko Obokata of the STAP cell train wreck now has a 4th paper retraction. The publication related to the controversial idea that adult tissues have pluripotent potential or actual pluripotent stem cells in them so it was kind of foundational for the debunked STAP cell idea. It also reminds

4th Obokata retraction after Harvard investigation: STAP saga finally over? Read More »

Whatever happened to the STAP cell scientists including Haruko Obokata?


Once upon a time this blog and major outlets around the world were regularly writing about a Japanese stem cell researcher named Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子). Whatever happened to Obokata and the other folks directly involved in STAP cell research? First, a bit of background because maybe still a few people never heard of STAP cells

Whatever happened to the STAP cell scientists including Haruko Obokata? Read More »

Nature yanks article that was actually advertisement on controversial stem cells


Something very strange just happened at the journal Nature related to what’s called Muse cells. Kudos to them for dealing with it quickly though. They published an unreviewed research “article” on controversial (perhaps non-existent) stem cells called “Muse cells” that was actually a paid advertisement. After I communicated with the Nature team eventually they ended up

Nature yanks article that was actually advertisement on controversial stem cells Read More »

Obokata questioned by police over STAP cell fiasco


Haruko Obokata was reportedly questioned by police in Japan today. The questioning relates to the STAP cell scandal that led to the retraction of two Nature papers. As first author of the papers, Obokata and other authors had reported that they could make IPSC-like cells simply via acid or other stress treatment. However, it is

Obokata questioned by police over STAP cell fiasco Read More »

Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) book is a #1 best seller


Haruko Obokata wrote a book about the STAP cell scandal telling it from her perspective. Fom all accounts I’ve seen, she has sought in her writings to shift the blame away from herself. She even claimed she was framed by other scientists. To say I’m skeptical would be an understatement. Will this book have any

Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) book is a #1 best seller Read More »

Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) new book on STAP cells & more


Haruko Obokata reportedtly has written a book that is somewhat of a memoir of her life including the STAP cell scandal. The exact nature of the book remains mostly a mystery at this point. It should be out on the 2nd anniversary of the STAP cell papers being published. Kyodo News gives some more details

Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) new book on STAP cells & more Read More »

Waseda reportedly will revoke Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) doctorate


Media in Japan are reporting that Waseda University will shortly revoke the Ph.D. of STAP cell scientist Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子). A hat tip to blog reader Tom on this story. The thesis contained plagiarized material and problematic data as did the Nature papers on which she was first author. Those papers were retracted and

Waseda reportedly will revoke Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子) doctorate Read More »