State Medical Boards

Medical Board of California is slowly failing on stem cell clinic problem


The Medical Board of California has been aware of the unproven stem cell clinic problem here for many years, but in my view the Board isn’t helping the problem in a real, meaningful way. It may actually be becoming part of the problem through inaction and lack of cooperation with other agencies. If by the […]

Medical Board of California is slowly failing on stem cell clinic problem Read More »

Reprimand, $13K fine for bone marrow stem cell clinic doc


A Minnesota doctor running a stem cell clinic offering bone marrow injections for a variety of health conditions was subject to action by state medical regulators. The Star Tribune’s reporter Jeremy Olson has a new article on the action, which included a $13K+ fine. Olson’s piece has some of the key details: “Dr. Matthew Thorson

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Vermont zeroes in on unproven stem cell clinics


A variety of states have stepped up to address unproven stem cell clinics within their borders and the latest is Vermont. According to the VTDigger and writer Anne Wallace Allen, the Vermont Medical Society is planning a number of steps to address this situation. For example, at their encouragement a Vermont lawmaker will introduce legislation

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Report from Medical Board of California meeting on stem cell clinics


This afternoon I attended and gave public comment at the Medical Board of California stem cell task force meeting on unproven stem cell clinics. There were about 40 people attending. In part this meeting is a consequence of the national governing organization of state medical boards, the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) having worked

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Medical Board of California Task Force to Investigate Stem Cell Clinics


State involvement in reining in predatory stem cell clinics has never been more important, which is why it’s such good news that the Medical Board of California has a task force in the works to investigate such firms. According to a new NBC7 report (linked to above) focusing both on this news and on their own investigation

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Pending State Medical Boards Group Report on Stem Cell Clinics Could be Game Changer


We have a big problem with clinics in the U.S. selling unproven and non-FDA approved stem cell “treatments” to patients and part of the reason in my view why we have this mess today with upwards of 700 such businesses from coast to coast is that regulators including both the FDA and state medical boards

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Emergency Suspension of Stem Cell Clinic Doc Kenneth Welker


The Oregon State Medical Board took emergency action to suspend the medical license of Dr. Kenneth Welker of Eugene, Oregon on Thursday. Update: Unfortunately, the Associate Press (AP) story on this topic (discussed more below) contains numerous important mistakes including thoroughly mixing up embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC). Keep that in mind. Also, sadly

Emergency Suspension of Stem Cell Clinic Doc Kenneth Welker Read More »

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