Stem Cells Translational Medicine

Questions remain after Stem Cells Translational Medicine retracts clinic pub

The Stem Cell Institute, Panama stem cells

I’ve been concerned that the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine has been publishing some iffy papers from unproven stem cell clinics recently including from a Panama stem cell clinic called the Stem Cell Institute. Back in 2019, I took the unusual step of raising the question of whether a Stem Cells Translational Medicine paper from Neil Riordan, […]

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Cord conflicts at the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine

stem cells for autism

The journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine has a long track record of publishing great work. I also have a lot of respect for the editors there and I’ve published there myself. But a few recent events have sparked concerns including over possible undisclosed conflicts of interest in some papers there about cord blood for autism.

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Journal erred on Panama clinic stem cell for autism paper

The-Stem-Cell-Institute-stem-cells-for-autism, Panama Stem Cell

Amongst all that is bouncing around within the stem cell clinic maelstrom out there, one thing stands out for me as the most troubling. I’m talking about for-profit experimentation on children, such as injection of kids with unproven stem cells for autism or cerebral palsy by unproven clinics. In my opinion it’s almost always going

Journal erred on Panama clinic stem cell for autism paper Read More »

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