stem cells

As iPS cell studies in humans approach, accessible relevant pre-clinical data remains minimal

IPS cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, Knoepfler lab, stained for TRA-1-60, an ES cell marker., where do stem cells come from?

When are iPS cell-based therapies ready to be tested in actual people? It’s the million or perhaps even billion dollar question of today in the stem cell field. I realize that perhaps it is also a dangerous question, politically-speaking, for me to ask in a public forum, but patient lives as well as potentially the […]

As iPS cell studies in humans approach, accessible relevant pre-clinical data remains minimal Read More »

Transdifferentiation or direct reprogramming of fibroblasts to oligodendrocyte progenitors

Back-to-back papers (here and here) in Nature Biotechnology report the transdifferentiation (now often simply referred to as “direct reprogramming”) of plain old fibroblasts into brain cells called oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). OPCs are a remarkably useful kind of brain cell that generates myelin, which insulates nerves. OPCs are thought to have great therapeutic potential for

Transdifferentiation or direct reprogramming of fibroblasts to oligodendrocyte progenitors Read More »

8 simple reasons not to get a non-compliant stem cell treatment: #6 jeopardizing ownership of your cells

In my series eight simple reasons to pause before getting an unlicensed stem cell treatment from a non-compliant clinic I have covered the first five: (1) potential loss of insurance coverage for negative outcomes that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, (2)  failure of patient follow up by the doctors and clinics, (3) exclusion from future clinical trial

8 simple reasons not to get a non-compliant stem cell treatment: #6 jeopardizing ownership of your cells Read More »

Guest blog from inside Vatican Stem Cell Meeting by John Carbona: Day 1


The Vatican Stem Cell Meeting 2013 has started. We are fortunate to have a guest blogger, John A. Carbona, CEO of BioLife Cell Bank, who is in attendance and kindly is giving us inside coverage of the meeting. Below is a guest blog from John on Day 1 of the meeting. We even have pictures.

Guest blog from inside Vatican Stem Cell Meeting by John Carbona: Day 1 Read More »

Results of FDA Reform Poll: speed up clinical trials & expand compassionate use

The poll I put up asking people their #1 top priority for FDA reform drew relatively big numbers of respondents. Speeding up clinical trials was clearly way out in front at #1. Expanding compassionate use was #2. These were followed by changing policy to no longer define lab-grown stem cells as drugs and FDA being

Results of FDA Reform Poll: speed up clinical trials & expand compassionate use Read More »

Interview with Arnold Caplan, Part 4: the FDA and the Future

Today is part of 4 (the last) of my interview with Dr. Arnold Caplan, MSC godfather and guru. You can read parts 1-3 of the interview here, here, and here. In this post I focus on my discussion with Caplan on translation of stem cells to patients and the FDA. During our conversation we talked about some

Interview with Arnold Caplan, Part 4: the FDA and the Future Read More »

SVF & CAL are two fat stem cell acronyms generating a lot of buzz

Two emerging acronyms in the for-profit stem cell world that remain unknown to most academic stem cell scientists, but that are generating the most buzz are: SVF and CAL. These are two fat acronyms. What? These acronyms relate to adipose (fat) stem cell-based procedures. SVF stands for “stromal vascular fraction”. SVF is, for lack of

SVF & CAL are two fat stem cell acronyms generating a lot of buzz Read More »

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