stem cells

Will stem cell clinic Celltex reinvent itself after game-changing FDA warning letter?

The FDA warning letter that Celltex received in late September (but that just went public yesterday–see my initial reaction here) is a possible game-changer for that company in my opinion. Why? The letter outlined in great detail the FDA’s concerns with how Celltex manufactures its stem cell product ranging from lack of documentation to concerns about aseptic/sterile […]

Will stem cell clinic Celltex reinvent itself after game-changing FDA warning letter? Read More »

Celltex & its IRB provider both get serious FDA warning letters: Celltex response to my inquiry

Sugarland, Texas stem cell clinic, Celltex, is most well known for having done the stem cell treatment on Texas Governor Rick Perry. What’s up with Celltex this week? There has a lot of talk behind the scenes that something big has happened. Very recently Celltex put out a PR recently saying it had received a

Celltex & its IRB provider both get serious FDA warning letters: Celltex response to my inquiry Read More »

Update on SCOPE: stem cell outreach program for education at 21 languages

I’ve been working with volunteer translators to make available a white paper on stem cells to as many people across the globe as possible. I call the project, Stem Cell Outreach Program for Education (SCOPE). SCOPE has been a big success and we are now at 21 languages! I want to again say my thanks

Update on SCOPE: stem cell outreach program for education at 21 languages Read More »

Moriguchi now under government and university investigations, while Japanese press points fingers

The Japanese government reportedly  (also here) is now investigating Moriguchi and also government funded research projects linked to him. These projects were funded in the millions of U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, the major Japanese newspapers are pointing out how the others (and to be fair, sometimes how they themselves) ran articles on Moriguchi over the years sometimes describing

Moriguchi now under government and university investigations, while Japanese press points fingers Read More »

How did Japan’s top newspaper get tricked about iPS cells by Moriguchi?

How could the biggest newspaper in Japan, Yomiuri, get so badly tricked without even trying to verify facts prior to splashing it across their front page? A commenter on this blog named Mulboyne says that competing newspaper Mainichi was offered the Moriguchi story but solid investigative reporting made them decline it. Here’s the quote: “The

How did Japan’s top newspaper get tricked about iPS cells by Moriguchi? Read More »

iPS cell fraud Moriguchi confesses to lying about almost, but not quite everything

Hisashi Moriguchi, who claimed to have transplanted iPS cells into six human patients has now admitted that he lied about five of them according to a new Nature piece by excellent science writer David Cyranoski, on the strange case citing several Japanese newspaper articles as sources. Quoted from a press conference yesterday in the Nature

iPS cell fraud Moriguchi confesses to lying about almost, but not quite everything Read More »

Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s biggest newspaper, publishes front page apology on bogus iPS cell story; Moriguchi still claims his story is factual

Japan’s biggest daily newspaper, Yomiuri Shimbun, made international news when it reported a few days ago that iPS cells had been transplanted into human patients by Hisashi Moriguchi. In this morning’s paper, Yomiuri Shimbun issued a painful front page admission (happily reported by competing paper The Asahi Shimbun) of publishing false information about the alleged transplants, which

Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan’s biggest newspaper, publishes front page apology on bogus iPS cell story; Moriguchi still claims his story is factual Read More »

The Moriguchi iPS transplant fable: key lessons & where do we go from here

More and more evidence is accumulating that the alleged iPS cell transplantation in human patients by Dr. Hisashi Moriguchi was bunk. Nature today has a piece out today on the story providing more quotes about the case that suggest the whole thing was made up. Rather than re-hash all the details, in this post I’m going

The Moriguchi iPS transplant fable: key lessons & where do we go from here Read More »

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