I’ve been fortunate to interview some of the greats in the stem cell field for this blog and host debates between key players.

Please note that just because I have interviewed folks does not mean I agree with them or that they agree with me.
The point is to establish dialogue on key issues.
As I’ve said many times, it’s easy to talk with someone that you agree with, but far harder and potentially just as rewarding or more so to communicate with a person with whom you disagree.
This page is a hub for must-read stem cell interviews:
- Masayo Takahashi on iPS cell clinical study
- Ted Harada, ALS and stem cell advocate
- Nature Magazine leadership on publishing and review policies in the wake of STAP
- Bob Lanza of ACT
- Bob Klein on CIRM’s future
- Tory Williams of AIM
- Lauren Miller, CIRM ICOC Board Member
- Charles Cox on CP stem cell trial
- Teru Wakayama on STAP
- Charles Vacanti on STAP
- Janet Rossant, ISSCR President
- John Gurdon on human cloning
- Irv Weissman pays tribute to his own mentors
- Joanne Kurtzberg of Duke
- Gil Van Bokkelen of Athersys
- Mike West of BioTime
- Jeanne Loring interview: optimism of clinical translation of iPS cells
- Interview with Gary Rabin of Advanced Cell Technology (ACTC)
- Roman Reed on Gov. Brown bill veto
- Arnold Caplan: Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 are here, here, here and here.
- Nobel Laureate John Gurdon on Human Cloning
- Bioethicist Arthur Caplan on Human Cloning
- Natalie DeWitt, Founder of Nature’s the Niche
- Robin Young, Organizer of Stem Cell Summit
- Allan Wu, Regenerative Surgeon
- NIGMS former Director, Dr. Jeremy Berg, Part 1 and Part 2
- Cell Surgical Network/Elliot Lander/Mark Berman
- Amy Comstock Rick, former CAMR President & PAN CEO
- Sipp and Centeno debate
- Steven Victor of IntelliCell
- David Scharp of Scharp Technologies
- Howard Leonhardt of Leonhardt Ventures
- Ricardo Rodriquez, President of ICMS
- Stem cell consultant, Lee Buckler
- NeoStem CEO Robin Smith, Part 1 and Part 2
Do you know we’re Dr Lanza is going to speak next
Paul, have you thought about interviewing Robert Lanza, as the results of his “baby”, RPE derived from HESC to treat dry AMD, are supposedly coming out soon? TIA
I have interviewed Bob in the past (https://www.ipscell.com/2014/06/interview-with-bob-lanza-on-new-act-stem-cells-for-ms-paper/ ) and I’m betting I will do so again in the future. I respect him a great deal.
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I have a long list of where not to go for stem cell treatments, can you give me a website or point of reference to find legitimate stem cell therapies? I am looking for a family member who has a spinal cord injury. Please, I could really use your help or guidance.
Hi Karen,
That is a fantastic question, but unfortunately one without a great answer. I cannot give medical advice, but there are these clinical trials listed that I found in a search I did for you: http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?term=stem+cells+AND+spinal+cord+injury&Search=Search
I personally would not recommend going to a clinic outside of a clinical trial. There is no published evidence that their treatments work or are safe. There are risks with clinical trials too, but at least you know they are not breaking the law and will treat you or your loved one like a human being and not just someone from whom to get money.
You might also consider contacting the Roman Reed Foundation for more info: http://romanreedfoundation.com/
My best wishes,
Hi Karen, Paul. Excellent question and equally excellent answer if I may say so! I run a patient and public engagement programme for a London research group developing gene and cell therapy for sight loss, and we are often asked similar questions. The answer is, as Paul points out, that clinical trials are the only acceptable setting for stem cells as things stand. That too, participants do not stand to benefit themselves (as is the nature of a trial), and there are significant questions around risk and potential treatment effects to be addressed.
Those ‘clinics’ offering ‘stem cell treatments,’ often for a wide range of unrelated conditions, are best avoided for a host of reasons. I’ve covered the issue from an eye perspective at our blog (http://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/eyetherapy/stem-cell-therapies-for-sight-loss-how-to-avoid-bogus-treatments/), but the same lessons apply to other conditions.
Paul, these interviews will make very interesting reading – I very much like the approach of engaging with those with whom you might disagree!
Incidentally, you might both be interested to note that from next month I begin working for the UK charity Sense about Science, who take considerable interest in unscientific ‘treatments’ on offer – perhaps you could share that list of clinics not to visit Karen?! I’m at prateek dot buch at gmail dot com if you’re interested! Thanks both