Search Results for: stem cells for ms

Stem cell opponents appeal federal ruling: what does this mean?


Drs. James Sherley and Theresa Deisher are the two adult stem cell researchers who sued the federal government over federal funding of ESC research. They claimed that NIH funding of ESC research violated the law and also was unfair to them. This case has been bouncing around in various courts over the last couple years

Stem cell opponents appeal federal ruling: what does this mean? Read More »

Sports stars, Rick Perry, stem cells: how many more people will die?

Another sports stars has been publicly “outed” as having received a non-FDA approved stem cell therapy in a foreign country. First, the big news earlier this year in June was that NY Yankees Pitcher Bartolo Colon had received a stem cell treatment. Then we all heard that Texas Governor and, at the moment, leading GOP

Sports stars, Rick Perry, stem cells: how many more people will die? Read More »

iPS cells and endangered species: a recipe to avoid extinction?

What’s the connection between iPS cells and endangered species? Stem cell-based regenerative medicine has the potential to help treat not only humans with injuries or illness, but also veterinary patients such as dogs and horses. Is it also possible that stem cell technology could prevent extinction of endangered species? A recent paper suggests this may

iPS cells and endangered species: a recipe to avoid extinction? Read More »

Stem Cells On Mars: Pimping Your Paper And Sexy Science

What’s it mean to Pimping Your Paper in science? I have found evidence of stem cells on Mars! Actually, I haven’t, but what if I took pictures of Martian soil with my trusty microscope and claimed that certain formations were fossilized stem cells…and somehow I published that sexy paper? And what if I really believed

Stem Cells On Mars: Pimping Your Paper And Sexy Science Read More »

If I only had a blastema: obstacles to human regeneration


Irv Weissman’s lab came out with a very intriguing paper in Nature this week on regeneration and something called a blastema. Having a blastema It is not exactly on regenerative medicine of the kind we think about using exogenous stem cells, but more about how we might tap into nature’s own program for regeneration by

If I only had a blastema: obstacles to human regeneration Read More »

Interpreting Judge’s Embryonic Stem Cell Ruling


U.S. Federal Judge Royce Lamberth dismissed the lawsuit of two self-proclaimed “adult stem cell” researchers against the government to block federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. (update: you may find a 2020 take on this whole saga to be of interest). Lamberth was the one who originally seemed to buy into the arguments of

Interpreting Judge’s Embryonic Stem Cell Ruling Read More »