Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Huge clinical trial fees allowed by FDA at times, details often secret


Why can there be huge clinical trial fees for participants? I am often critical of for-profit stem cell clinics on this blog for numerous reasons. For instance, one thing that concerns me greatly about these clinics is that they charge patients to get experimental “treatments” that have not been proven to be safe or effective. But […]

Huge clinical trial fees allowed by FDA at times, details often secret Read More »

UK should freeze mitochondrial replacement as Egli paper ID’s serious problem


An important new Cell Stem Cell paper from Dieter Egli’s lab points to an inherent, serious problem with so-called 3-person IVF or mitochondrial replacement technology that warrants putting an immediate hold on all efforts to use it in humans. I have pasted the graphical abstract from the paper below. For years a few of us scientists and

UK should freeze mitochondrial replacement as Egli paper ID’s serious problem Read More »

Will new gene editing tech NgAgo challenge CRISPR?


2020 Update: early NgAgo reports have been mostly discredited and there is doubt on its function as a gene-editing method. What could be better than CRISPR for gene editing? A new genetic modification technology called NgAgo has some researchers really excited. How does it compare to CRISPR? I’ll admit it that as a scientist who works on

Will new gene editing tech NgAgo challenge CRISPR? Read More »

Where are ES cell foes James Sherley & Theresa Deisher now?


Four or five years ago the top stem cell story was the battle over federal funding of human embryonic stem (ES) cell research in the U.S. by James Sherley and Theresa Deisher. They were the two opponents of ES cell research making the most national headlines. Nature did a whole piece back then on Deisher

Where are ES cell foes James Sherley & Theresa Deisher now? Read More »

Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) Opposes REGROW Act, Risks to Patients Cited


The biggest debate today in the stem cell world is over how much regulation is needed for new, investigational stem cell therapies that are not as yet approved. Sometimes it feels very lonely being out there publicly advocating for appropriately thorough regulation of stem cell therapies and at times I get a lot of heat for

Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) Opposes REGROW Act, Risks to Patients Cited Read More »

You can’t retract a designer baby: CRISPR, social justice, & risks


There’s a questionable notion floating around out there in the numerous discussions over heritable human genetic modification and CRISPR. This idea goes that if germline human gene editing goes awry for any number of reasons, scientists could simply reverse it by applying genetics again. The reversal notion does not fit with the reality of science

You can’t retract a designer baby: CRISPR, social justice, & risks Read More »