Search Results for: stem cells for ms

In Depth Report from April 29th Paris Human Gene Editing Meeting


Editor’s note. Caroline Simons attended both the April 28th (see her report on that here) and 29th Paris meetings on human gene editing/genetic modification. Today, we have her in depth report on the April 29th meeting. I have posted her piece in full with only minor edits. If you are in a rush you can […]

In Depth Report from April 29th Paris Human Gene Editing Meeting Read More »

Where are ES cell foes James Sherley & Theresa Deisher now?


Four or five years ago the top stem cell story was the battle over federal funding of human embryonic stem (ES) cell research in the U.S. by James Sherley and Theresa Deisher. They were the two opponents of ES cell research making the most national headlines. Nature did a whole piece back then on Deisher

Where are ES cell foes James Sherley & Theresa Deisher now? Read More »

Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) Opposes REGROW Act, Risks to Patients Cited


The biggest debate today in the stem cell world is over how much regulation is needed for new, investigational stem cell therapies that are not as yet approved. Sometimes it feels very lonely being out there publicly advocating for appropriately thorough regulation of stem cell therapies and at times I get a lot of heat for

Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM) Opposes REGROW Act, Risks to Patients Cited Read More »

You can’t retract a designer baby: CRISPR, social justice, & risks


There’s a questionable notion floating around out there in the numerous discussions over heritable human genetic modification and CRISPR. This idea goes that if germline human gene editing goes awry for any number of reasons, scientists could simply reverse it by applying genetics again. The reversal notion does not fit with the reality of science

You can’t retract a designer baby: CRISPR, social justice, & risks Read More »

What are exosomes and can they be used for therapy?


What are stem cell exosomes? There’s been an explosion of interest in the biomedical world around a recently characterized cell-to-cell communication system that most cells use to talk to one another, including stem cells. In fact the first patient has been successfully treated in Germany with exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells for refractory graft

What are exosomes and can they be used for therapy? Read More »

For IPS cell mutations, some reassuring new data but validation still key


Over the years some scientists including yours truly have expressed concerns about the possibility that mutations could crop up during the reprogramming process to make induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS cells or IPSC). How concerned should we be about IPS cell mutations? A cool new paper, Bhutani, et al, in Nature Communications from a team led by

For IPS cell mutations, some reassuring new data but validation still key Read More »

Finally, Vacanti’s side of STAP cell implosion


A great new piece in The New Yorker by Dana Goodyear, The Stress Test, gives us a window into Charles Vacanti’s side of the STAP cell mess and includes recent quotes from him. It’s a long, fascinating look inside of STAP, the tangled and ultimately tragic scientific implosion that created and then brought down two Nature

Finally, Vacanti’s side of STAP cell implosion Read More »