Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Perspectives: no human genetic modification moratorium from organizers of #GeneEditSummit


I just got back from a historic summit on human genetic modification in Washington, D.C. New genetic modification technology, termed CRISPR-Cas9, has both made genetic modification a relatively simple matter for scientists and human genetic modification much more likely in the near future. Heritable human genetic modification could prevent some rare genetic diseases so there […]

Perspectives: no human genetic modification moratorium from organizers of #GeneEditSummit Read More »

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 2 Post #1: Governance of human gene editing


Now we have an interesting panel starting on questions of governance on human gene editing. This will focus on institutional and national levels of governance. Pilar N. Ossorio, University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Morgridge Institute for Research, is introducing the panel. Key question: how should emerging technologies being governed? Jonathan Kimmelman, from McGill, was the first

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 2 Post #1: Governance of human gene editing Read More »

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 1 Post #2: State of the Science, #CRISPR


Now we hear from the scientists on the front lines of CRISPR, covered in this post #2 of the Human Gene Editing Meeting. You can read Post #1 here. Jennifer Doudna starts off the big human gene editing science session on the current state of the human gene editing science and CRISPR. She gave an

Live Blogging #GeneEditSummit Day 1 Post #2: State of the Science, #CRISPR Read More »

GMO Sapiens book teaser: time to talk frankly on human genetic modification


I’ve written a new book on human genetic modification. This is my second book as the first one was Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide, which is currently the top stem cell book on Amazon. The new book is called GMO Sapiens: The Life-Changing Science of Designer Babies.  You can pre-order it here at Amazon or over here at my publisher’s

GMO Sapiens book teaser: time to talk frankly on human genetic modification Read More »

Tick Tock Genetic Clock: How soon until first DIY CRISPR of self?

I just did a blog post today on the striking story of someone doing DIY CRISPR gene therapy on themselves. A question came to mind. How long until someone does a DIY attempt to CRISPR themselves? In the DIY gene therapy story, the person was injected with so-called “gain-of-function” viruses to try to reap health

Tick Tock Genetic Clock: How soon until first DIY CRISPR of self? Read More »

Weekend science reading: fantastic found links including on CIRM


David Jensen reports on the future of CIRM as a “beautiful machine”. CIRM funds brain cancer research in a big way: Funding a clinical trial for deadly cancer is a no brainer. Glioblastoma is a fatal tumor that needs new clinical approaches so this is exciting. One of the goals of my lab is to find new

Weekend science reading: fantastic found links including on CIRM Read More »

Perspectives on Hinxton Human Germline Modification Statement


The international stem cell policy and ethics think tank, the Hinxton Group, weighed in yesterday on heritable human genetic modification with a new policy statement. The Hinxton statement is in many ways in agreement with the Baltimore, et al. Nature paper proposing a “prudent path forward” for human germline genetic modification, which came out of

Perspectives on Hinxton Human Germline Modification Statement Read More »

Paolo Macchiarini cleared of misconduct, but some charges remain


There has been a great deal of excitement during the past several years over the regenerative medicine work of often-called “super surgeon” Dr. Paolo Macchiarini. For an update on Paolo Macchiarini from a recent scathing Vanity Fair piece, see here. Hei has done pioneering work. For instance, he created and transplanted bioengineered windpipes that were produced in

Paolo Macchiarini cleared of misconduct, but some charges remain Read More »