Search Results for: stem cells for ms

Discover Magazine runs full-page ‘stem cell’ snake oil ad


Marketing of unproven stem cells has exploded in the past 3 years including some ads for things that sure seem like snake oil to me. Overall, it’s likely that hundreds of thousands of dollars if not more than a million are being spent on advertising of unproven stem cells. While in the past I’ve generally […]

Discover Magazine runs full-page ‘stem cell’ snake oil ad Read More »

Weekend reads: stem cells, CRISPR, glioma, stroke, RTT & more


Every so often I realize I’ve accumulated a bunch of tabs on my browsers of things I need to dive into as time permits, which sometimes translates into a collection of recommended reads here on The Niche. Here are some recommended recent reads in the stem cell/regenerative medicine field and childhood cancer space. It includes

Weekend reads: stem cells, CRISPR, glioma, stroke, RTT & more Read More »

Probing F1 legend Michael Schumacher stem cell juice story


What’s the deal with Michael Schumacher and his Hail Mary stem cell procedure. Usually when we hear about celebrities getting unproven stem cells, it’s the celebrity themselves or their PR machine hyping it in exchange for something like free treatments or even money from those offering the stem cells for sale, but in the past

Probing F1 legend Michael Schumacher stem cell juice story Read More »

Report from Medical Board of California meeting on stem cell clinics


This afternoon I attended and gave public comment at the Medical Board of California stem cell task force meeting on unproven stem cell clinics. There were about 40 people attending. In part this meeting is a consequence of the national governing organization of state medical boards, the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) having worked

Report from Medical Board of California meeting on stem cell clinics Read More »

Journal erred on Panama clinic stem cell for autism paper

The-Stem-Cell-Institute-stem-cells-for-autism, Panama Stem Cell

Amongst all that is bouncing around within the stem cell clinic maelstrom out there, one thing stands out for me as the most troubling. I’m talking about for-profit experimentation on children, such as injection of kids with unproven stem cells for autism or cerebral palsy by unproven clinics. In my opinion it’s almost always going

Journal erred on Panama clinic stem cell for autism paper Read More »

StemGenex clinic bankruptcy reveals surprises including huge revenue


How much money and how many patients do stem cell clinics like San Diego’s StemGenex make each year? A new court document has some insights from an unexpected angle. I’ve been following StemGenex for years here on The Niche. It’s been a rollercoaster ride. Things hit a new low today, perhaps marking the operational end

StemGenex clinic bankruptcy reveals surprises including huge revenue Read More »

FDA warns another perinatal stem cell supplier Stemell


As part of its stepped up approach to unproven stem cell marketing, the FDA issued another warning letter to a perinatal (birth-related) stem cell supplier. It’s interesting to see the FDA doing more specifically about suppliers and not just focusing on clinics. It seems that in some subsectors of the stem cell arena that certain

FDA warns another perinatal stem cell supplier Stemell Read More »

Google to block unproven stem cell clinic & gene therapy ads


The Washington Post broke the story this morning that Google has a new biomedical ad policy that may really shake things up for stem cell clinics. The search giant announced the new policy on its blog that will restrict advertisements for unproven stem cell clinics, cellular and gene therapies. This is great news. Google new

Google to block unproven stem cell clinic & gene therapy ads Read More »

My Regenerative medicine pub tracking 100s of stem cell clinics over 3 years


I’m a biologist and genetics researcher, but as I have time I still squeeze in a little research on stem cell clinics when I can, and my new pub in Regenerative Medicine is notable for looking at changes in clinic firms in a unique kind of way. In the paper I went back to the

My Regenerative medicine pub tracking 100s of stem cell clinics over 3 years Read More »