Search Results for: Jeanne loring

TV Journalists Tackling Stem Cell Clinics


Even as some unproven, for-profit stem cell clinics promote themselves aggressively in many ways including now on TV, on the flip side lately we’ve seen more TV journalists covering questionable marketing by the clinics and negative patient outcomes. Today I saw that CBS This Morning, a national broadcast, had a fairly long TV segment on stem […]

TV Journalists Tackling Stem Cell Clinics Read More »

Ian Wilmut, who cloned Dolly, opens up about his Parkinson’s Disease


One of the most famous living biological scientists, Sir Ian Wilmut, just announced that he has Parkinson’s Disease. I wish him the best in dealing with this illness. Wilmut is very well-known for having cloned the first mammal, Dolly the Sheep. This work followed on the earlier breakthrough by Sir John Gurdon of cloning the

Ian Wilmut, who cloned Dolly, opens up about his Parkinson’s Disease Read More »

On the threshold of cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease


By Jeanne Loring There are ten million people in the world who have Parkinson’s disease. 125,000 of these are living in California.  People with the disease often have to step away from their jobs because the main symptoms – tremor or freezing up of muscles – make it difficult to get through a whole day

On the threshold of cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease Read More »

Reactions to California’s new stem cell law on non-FDA approved clinic offerings


What does the wide stem cell and regenerative medicine community think of California’s new stem cell law requiring that clinics selling non-FDA approved stem cell offerings make specific disclosures to prospective customers and that the state medical board keep track of how this all unfolds? You probably already know that I am supportive of the

Reactions to California’s new stem cell law on non-FDA approved clinic offerings Read More »

How risky are stem cell trials for Parkinson’s beginning in China?

Brain-PET-scan, stem cells

New human clinical trials using derivatives of pluripotent stem cells in China for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) have raised expectations and some eyebrows. PD is a neurodegenerative condition, sometimes diagnosed or followed by PET scans such as the one at left, characterized by loss of dopaminergic neurons leading to severe and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. Pluripotent stem

How risky are stem cell trials for Parkinson’s beginning in China? Read More »

Mutations in pluripotent stem cells: No, the sky is not falling


By Jeanne Loring “Mutation” and “cancer” are eye-catching words for a headline; add “stem cells” and there is a good chance that a lot of people will hear about it. These words have been liberally used in the press to describe the results of a recent publication: “Human pluripotent stem cells recurrently acquire and expand

Mutations in pluripotent stem cells: No, the sky is not falling Read More »

Stem cell clinic lawsuits proliferate with latest against Stemgenex


There is a growing trend of apparently unhappy patients suing stem cell clinics, which have faced more lawsuits recently and some of these cases are proposed class action suits that could have much broader impact. The latest case is against San Diego-based Stemgenex, a clinic that has claimed amongst other things that it can treat numerous diverse afflictions and that

Stem cell clinic lawsuits proliferate with latest against Stemgenex Read More »

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award


I received a score of great nominations for the Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award and have briefly described the twenty nominees below. The point of the award is to honor the top positive stem cell leader who specifically thinks outside the box and takes risks. I’ve started an on-line vote where you can vote once per day for

20 Nominees for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2016 Award Read More »