Search Results for: stem cells for ms

Call for 31 Anversa retractions by Harvard; heart stem cell concept broken?


In a stunner, Harvard and Brigham & Women’s Hospital reportedly have jointly called for the retraction of 31 papers on heart stem cell research authored by embattled heart stem cell researcher Piero Anversa. The scoop on this by STAT/Retraction Watch written by Ivan Oransky and Adam Marcus gives further details on this mess and past […]

Call for 31 Anversa retractions by Harvard; heart stem cell concept broken? Read More »

Highlights of Science Writers DC Stem Cell Panel with FDA’s Peter Marks


I’m enjoying attending and speaking at the annual Science Writers 2018 meeting in D.C. where I spoke this morning on a panel about stem cells. The session was specifically on the Wild West of stem cells. You can follow the meeting events on Twitter with the #sciwri18 hashtag. I had three wonderful fellow panelists, Marilynn Marchione of

Highlights of Science Writers DC Stem Cell Panel with FDA’s Peter Marks Read More »

FDA recalls Liveyon stem cell product: blow to big clinic supplier?


The FDA has issued a recall of the main stem cell product of a California firm called Liveyon that is linked to unproven stem cell clinics. The recall seems to have been due to “adverse reactions.” An emerging big player in the birth-related stem cell clinic area? I’ve been hearing the name Liveyon pop up

FDA recalls Liveyon stem cell product: blow to big clinic supplier? Read More »

Papers on artificial embryos and muscle stem cells


If you are sick of the general news lately, I recommend turning to the wonder of cool science like the thought-provoking data in the duo of new stem cell pubs discussed below including on artificial embryos. Synthetic embryos A team led by Alfonso Martinez-Arias reports new findings in their Nature letter in the growing area

Papers on artificial embryos and muscle stem cells Read More »

Cell on wheels: ‘stem-cell-mobile’ delivers unproven therapies


There’s the batmobile for Batman, right, but what about a stem-cell-mobile? Every so often someone sends me some wild new stem cell clinic thing that they’ve seen that is both real and almost unbelievable at the same time. The latest is a mobile stem cell “clinic” business called RegenMed of Florida, which is what I’m

Cell on wheels: ‘stem-cell-mobile’ delivers unproven therapies Read More »

Stemgenex clinic mulled campaign against critic websites including CIRM per court docs


New court documents indicate that the stem cell clinic Stemgenex was contemplating paying nearly $20K to try to get certain webpages that were critical of the company taken down. The documents include internal company emails that are part of the lawsuit against the firm. They indicate that Stemgenex was mulling over the idea of hiring a “reputation management” company,

Stemgenex clinic mulled campaign against critic websites including CIRM per court docs Read More »

Anti-aging and the billionaires young blood & stem cell club

Old-man-getting-young-bloodSeason-4-episode-5-of-Silicon-Valley-22Blood-Boy22, stem cells anti-aging

What is the Billionaire’s blood & stem cell club and how does one get into that? The focus of what I’m satirically calling this “billionaire’s club” is on anti-aging and prolonging life. If you have a lot of money and are willing to take risks on yourself toward some specific goal such as staying young

Anti-aging and the billionaires young blood & stem cell club Read More »

Placebo effect & “the fade” after stem cell clinic shots

placebo-effect-expectations-from-hype, science hype

Sometimes when I talk about possible placebo effects with fans of stem cell clinics I feel like placebo becomes akin to a bad word in the discussion. However, any kind of medical procedure can cause placebo effects in people. We’re all susceptible to it. I believe that many perceived positive outcomes at stem cell clinics

Placebo effect & “the fade” after stem cell clinic shots Read More »