Search Results for: stem cells for MS

Early, but encouraging data from Asterias on stem cells for spinal cord injury


As I posted recently, Asterias Biotherapeutics has had good early safety results so far in its historic stem cell trial for spinal cord injury and now the company presented some early, encouraging hints at efficacy.  However, a caveat here is that this is not an RCT (randomized controlled trial). Ed Wirth, CMO of Asterias, presented the […]

Early, but encouraging data from Asterias on stem cells for spinal cord injury Read More »

Jeanne Loring’s Report from Inside FDA Stem Cell Meeting Day 1


By Jeanne Loring Paul did a good job of giving an overview of the FDA meeting today. Being in the room, I have a few observations that complement Paul’s. I’ve never been to a meeting like this- there were 42 scheduled 5 minute presentations, and this is just the first of 2 days. The question

Jeanne Loring’s Report from Inside FDA Stem Cell Meeting Day 1 Read More »

Guide to September 12-13 FDA Stem Cell Meeting

Stembucks, stem cell cartoon

The FDA is holding a 2-day stem cell meeting starting tomorrow and it promises to be a really big deal. What’s the scoop on this meeting and the attendees? Who is likely to say what? If the deregulatory proponents get their way, could we have stem cell clinics like Starbucks popping up in even more neighborhoods? I have

Guide to September 12-13 FDA Stem Cell Meeting Read More »

Negative stem cell clinic outcomes include 3 blinded women


What can go wrong with unapproved stem cell clinic offerings? The answer including from presentations at the FDA today turns out to be very serious, negative results right here in the U.S. Thomas Albini, MD gave a talk entitled,  “Severe Visual Loss After Intravitreal Injection of Autologous Adipose Tissue-derived Stem Cells for Age-related Macular Degeneration”.

Negative stem cell clinic outcomes include 3 blinded women Read More »

Blogging today’s FDA stem cell meeting: Part 2 Clinics, Policy & Ethics


The FDA is holding its first 2016 stem cell meeting today and you can read about some impressions of the morning session of this meeting here. In this post, I’m focusing on the afternoon session, which has been mostly on policy and ethics, including on stem cell clinics. Jonathan Kimmelman from McGill University got the afternoon going

Blogging today’s FDA stem cell meeting: Part 2 Clinics, Policy & Ethics Read More »

For big FDA stem cell meeting, are clinics paying some participants?


The upcoming big FDA 2-day public stem cell meeting next week is generating a lot of interest within the stem cell community and also with members of the media. I expect there to be tons of coverage, which should be a good thing (note that there’s a different FDA stem cell meeting tomorrow). If you can’t make

For big FDA stem cell meeting, are clinics paying some participants? Read More »

Wait, there’s an FDA stem cell meeting this week too? The scoop


There’s a big FDA stem cell meeting coming along next week that has gotten much attention, but many people didn’t realize there’s also an FDA meeting on stem cells this week too in three days on September 8th. I pasted this week’s meeting schedule at the bottom of this post from the FDA page. The meeting is

Wait, there’s an FDA stem cell meeting this week too? The scoop Read More »

Stem cell good news as Asterias SCI trial to expand with strong safety data


The stem cell clinic trial being run by Asterias Biotherapeutics for spinal cord injury (SCI) reported (via CIRM) some preliminary very good news as it is so far seems safe and will be expanded to involve more patients. In the next phase, reportedly “Asterias is now looking to enroll 5-8 patients for this 20 million

Stem cell good news as Asterias SCI trial to expand with strong safety data Read More »