Search Results for: stem cells for MS

New biotech Semma Therapeutics stem cell diabetes arena


A new biotech startup, Semma Therapeutics, announced that it seeks to fight diabetes via translating technology from the lab of Doug Melton at Harvard to the clinic. Update: Note that the firm was recently acquired by Vertex. Another major player in cell therapy-based arena for Diabetes is most likely good news for patients. Quoted in the Boston

New biotech Semma Therapeutics stem cell diabetes arena Read More »

10 ways non-compliant stem cell clinic docs jeopardize their careers


Over the years I’ve often written about how unlicensed stem cell clinics and their physicians are putting patients at risk. In most if not all cases they are doing this simply for their own personal monetary gain. I do think that some of them truly believe they are helping patients, but still that doesn’t excuse

10 ways non-compliant stem cell clinic docs jeopardize their careers Read More »

Proposed Moratorium on Genetic Modification of Human Germ Cells


One of the hottest topics in the biomedical world in 2015 is heritable human genetic modification including via germ cells. There is an unsettling sense that genetically modified human germ cells and eventually GMO human beings are likely coming even if science and society are not ready for it. There are a hodgepodge of laws against human

Proposed Moratorium on Genetic Modification of Human Germ Cells Read More »

New stem cell clinic ‘National Institutes for Regenerative Medicine’ has NIH-like name, cites UCSD affiliation


Some American stem cell clinics that operate without FDA approval can give the appearance of being in the mainstream of academic stem cell research. Sometimes they go a step further to hint at or even say that they have some kind of federal approval as we saw in the past with the website. Why

New stem cell clinic ‘National Institutes for Regenerative Medicine’ has NIH-like name, cites UCSD affiliation Read More »

How Much Do Stem Cell Treatments Really Cost?

stem cell therapy cost

How much do these stem cell treatments cost? Stem cell treatments of various kinds are now widely available in America at more than 100 stem cell clinics offering non-FDA approved interventions for dozens of conditions. American patients are often recruited on the Internet to travel around the US or to Mexico and other countries. How

How Much Do Stem Cell Treatments Really Cost? Read More »

Meeting review of unique stem cell ethics symposium at UC Davis School of Medicine


On Thursday here at UC Davis School of Medicine we held our second annual Stem Cell Ethics Symposium. The symposium was organized by Drs. Mark Yarborough and Nanette Joyce as well as me. In this post I report on key take homes from the meeting and summarize the specific talks. As far as I know, this is one of the few

Meeting review of unique stem cell ethics symposium at UC Davis School of Medicine Read More »

Landmark New Stem Cell Trial for Multiple Sclerosis Raises Hopes


A new stem cell clinical trial for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in Canada is raising hopes amongst patients and researchers. According to the Ottawa Citizen, the trial will be led by Dr. Mark S. Freedman (pictured, photo from Ottawa Hospital), director of the multiple sclerosis research unit at The Ottawa Hospital and “The Canadian trials which

Landmark New Stem Cell Trial for Multiple Sclerosis Raises Hopes Read More »