Search Results for: CRISPR babies

Context for my Nature piece on redefining “gene edit” to be more precise


When I say “gene edit” or “genome editing”, what’s the first thing that pops in your mind? It will depend on who you are. For many lay people until a few weeks ago when the world heard about He Jiankui‘s claim of CRISPR’d babies they may not have had anything pop in their heads when […]

Context for my Nature piece on redefining “gene edit” to be more precise Read More »

He Jiankui didn’t really gene edit those girls; he mutated them


Did Chinese researcher He Jiankui really CRISPR gene edit the CCR5 gene in two embryos producing twin baby girls? In my opinion the answer is “no”, but probably not for the reason you might think at first. He proclaims gene edits He claimed he had made twin baby girls with “gene edits”, which I feel is unethical

He Jiankui didn’t really gene edit those girls; he mutated them Read More »

Mixed Nuffield Council Report Too Aspirational on Human Genetic Modification


It’s an odd confluence of events this week that (A) the Nuffield Council, an ethics think tank, gives a thumbs up in a new report to heritable human genetic modification that would probably include using CRISPR in the same week that (B) a new paper reports that CRISPR can cause unpredictable genomic damage and several other concerning reports

Mixed Nuffield Council Report Too Aspirational on Human Genetic Modification Read More »

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France


By Elliot Hosman Summary.  A campaign calling for a moratorium on using CRISPR in human embryos was launched by a prominent French organization fighting for narrow understandings of life and family. A recent campaign calling for a ban on “transgenic” human embryos was launched by one of France’s most prominent organizations fighting for “science”-backed “one-man-one-woman”

Hateful politics infiltrate human genome editing debate in France Read More »

GMO Sapiens book teaser: time to talk frankly on human genetic modification


I’ve written a new book on human genetic modification. This is my second book as the first one was Stem Cells: An Insider’s Guide, which is currently the top stem cell book on Amazon. The new book is called GMO Sapiens: The Life-Changing Science of Designer Babies.  You can pre-order it here at Amazon or over here at my publisher’s

GMO Sapiens book teaser: time to talk frankly on human genetic modification Read More »

Kelly Hills interview: human genetic modification & bioethics


Below is a conversation with bioethics commentator Kelly Hills (who BTW has a great blog), tackling some of the key issues surrounding the potential use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to make heritable human genetic modification. I really appreciate her clear and insightful answers to some tough questions that many are grappling with today on this topic. Part

Kelly Hills interview: human genetic modification & bioethics Read More »

Nita Farahany Interview on Human Germline Modification: Defining A Road Forward


The topic of heritable human genetic modification has been heating up recently. Prominent scientists, ethicists, and legal scholars have being weighing in, and there is a range of attitudes. Some favor a complete, moratorium including even lab work, while on the other end of the spectrum there are those who have a more liberal perspective. Many

Nita Farahany Interview on Human Germline Modification: Defining A Road Forward Read More »

250,000-fold oversight on 3-person IVF mitochondrial transfer?


Remember the debate over so-called 3-person IVF? The goal of this technology, also referred to as mitochondrial transfer and 3-parent IVF, is to prevent mitochondrial disease through nuclear transfer in oocytes or one-cell embryos. The resulting genetically modified (GM) human embryos and ultimately children if it works could have dodged mitochondrial disease, but also could have serious or

250,000-fold oversight on 3-person IVF mitochondrial transfer? Read More »