Search Results for: Cell Surgical Network

Seattle clinic uses FDA commish in marketing non-FDA approved stem cells


How far will stem cell clinics go to market their non-FDA approved “treatments” that they often claim will have miraculous results? I’ve never seen anything quite as striking as what some clinics in the Seattle area are now doing. In the past, we’ve seen clinics take researchers’ pictures, quotes, or videos to use for their

Seattle clinic uses FDA commish in marketing non-FDA approved stem cells Read More »

Six questions as FDA takes new shot at stem cell clinics


The FDA issued a historic statement today promising to more clearly define its regulatory policies on stem cell therapies and to take strong action on some stem cell clinics that it views as “bad actors”. I’ve never the FDA use such clear-cut language before. I give big kudos to new FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb. It already

Six questions as FDA takes new shot at stem cell clinics Read More »

Stem cell news bites: microbiota, clinic doc death, Stem Cells Inc, & more


This edition of our stem cell news bites finds a number of notable stem cell news items. A potentially cool link between gut stem cells and microbiota is reported by Tae-Hee Kim of the Ontario Institute for Regenerative Medicine. See the nifty image of the stem cells from Dr. Kim showing proliferating gut cells in

Stem cell news bites: microbiota, clinic doc death, Stem Cells Inc, & more Read More »

FDA meeting on stem cell regs: mostly who’s who of anti-regulation forces


The FDA in the past year or so has issued draft guidances on regulation of stem cells that would, if finalized, make it crystal clear that what many American stem cell clinics are selling are unapproved drugs. That would be a good thing for patients who are often being put at risk by many of

FDA meeting on stem cell regs: mostly who’s who of anti-regulation forces Read More »

FDA warning points to tougher regulation of fat stem cells & clinics


Last week I blogged about how the FDA had issued a warning letter to a series of three co-owned fat stem cell clinics across the US. What does this FDA action mean on the broader stem cell clinic arena, particularly to those selling fat stem cells? The FDA is still in the process of getting public comment

FDA warning points to tougher regulation of fat stem cells & clinics Read More »

FDA Warning Letter to Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center Clinics Across US


The FDA has sent a Warning Letter to the Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center. The leader of Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center is Dr. Thomas Gionis and the letter was addressed to him. Interestingly, this letter, dated December 30, 2015, contains redactions. At one time this clinic was part of the larger Cell Surgical Network (CSN)

FDA Warning Letter to Irvine Stem Cell Treatment Center Clinics Across US Read More »

Some patients unhappy with stem cell clinics


Over the years I’ve heard from quite a few patients of stem cell clinics who feel very strongly about their experiences. Some have quite positive views on getting stem cell interventions, while others feel very negatively about the stem cell clinics. I’ve heard more of the latter kind of experience. People often tell me that

Some patients unhappy with stem cell clinics Read More »

My new ‘neighbor’ in Sacramento: a fat stem cell clinic


For years I’ve been writing about fat stem cell clinics that sell non-FDA approved stem cell “treatments” to vulnerable patients right here in America. These clinics have been sprouting up like mushrooms across the US and their numbers may be above 200 today overall. As a result perhaps it was inevitable that one would arrive in

My new ‘neighbor’ in Sacramento: a fat stem cell clinic Read More »