Search Results for: Joanne Kurtzberg

Duke & Cryo-Cell plan big clinic for unproven infusions of kids

cryo cell duke stem cells autism cp

Professor Joanne Kurtzberg’s clinical work at the Duke Autism Center on umbilical cord blood for autism and cerebral palsy (CP) involves a partnership with a publicly-traded cord blood banking firm called Cryo-Cell. Kurtzberg is also the Medical Director at the firm. In addition they have intellectual property in this area. The Duke team’s efforts, including

Duke & Cryo-Cell plan big clinic for unproven infusions of kids Read More »

Cord conflicts at the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine

stem cells for autism

The journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine has a long track record of publishing great work. I also have a lot of respect for the editors there and I’ve published there myself. But a few recent events have sparked concerns including over possible undisclosed conflicts of interest in some papers there about cord blood for autism.

Cord conflicts at the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine Read More »

Duke Autism Center has Panama clinic to thank for $10s millions?


What do a Panama stem cell clinic and the Duke Autism Center have in common? More than I might have imagined. It’s a remarkable story that needs telling. Duke Autism Center There is a puzzle when it comes to the controversial idea of using cord blood for autism. Why? Because two of the strongest proponents

Duke Autism Center has Panama clinic to thank for $10s millions? Read More »

Recommended reads: Bee brain, COVID, from Russia with stem cells, pubs


Reading to them was one of my favorite things to do with my kids when they were little, but it’s a long way from Goodnight Moon to this week’s list of recommended reads, although “bee brain” may have got their attention. Please take a minute to complete our The Niche reader survey for a chance

Recommended reads: Bee brain, COVID, from Russia with stem cells, pubs Read More »

Mesoblast MSCs Quell Peds GvHD; On Road to FDA Approval?


Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is counterintuitive In the weeks and months following a transplant, a major concern is the recipient’s immune system rejecting the “foreign” biological material. But in GVHD, the opposite happens: transplanted tissue unleashes a horde of T cells that spark a cascade of inflammation, within 100 days. Typically, GVHD follows a bone marrow

Mesoblast MSCs Quell Peds GvHD; On Road to FDA Approval? Read More »

BARDA drops funding of research into stem cells for COVID-19


Katie Thomas at the New York Times reports that BARDA has dropped considering funding applications for stem cells for COVID-19. The move is part of a larger shift in funding priorities away from lung treatments and toward vaccine development. The decision has puzzled and even angered some stem cell firms and researchers. BARDA stands for

BARDA drops funding of research into stem cells for COVID-19 Read More »

Duke Autism Center trial: no benefit of cord blood for autism

stem cells for autism

A solid new, blinded placebo-controlled Phase II study from the Duke Autism Center clearly shows no benefit of cord blood for autism. Surprisingly, the team has said they are encouraged by the results. As a result, they apparently will continue this kind of work anyway despite their data. In contrast, I see the data as a

Duke Autism Center trial: no benefit of cord blood for autism Read More »

Cord blood for cerebral palsy: mostly discouraging new trial data

umbilical-cord-blood, umbilical cord blood stem cells

Some notable newly published Phase II data from the Duke cord blood for cerebral palsy trial unfortunately doesn’t give much reason for optimism that this approach is going to have a substantial positive effect for these kids. The double-blinded, placebo-controlled study did not find a meaningful benefit overall from infusions of autologous cord blood (ACB) for

Cord blood for cerebral palsy: mostly discouraging new trial data Read More »