Search Results for: STAP cells

Perspectives on Lee Lab F1000 Paper that STAP Cell Method Does Not Work


A paper has been published reporting that repeated attempts to make so-called “acid bath stem cells” have failed. At the end of January it was claimed in two Nature papers that a mild acid treatment created pluripotent or even totipotent stem cells that that the authors termed “STAP cells” or “STAP stem cells” (collectively referred […]

Perspectives on Lee Lab F1000 Paper that STAP Cell Method Does Not Work Read More »

Did Obokata get a fair shake on STAP cell mess?


Whether STAP cells are real or baloney, much went wrong with the actual STAP cell Nature papers and the research reported in them by Obokata and her co-authors. Who is responsible for these two deeply flawed papers? I’m not sure we have enough information at this time to know definitively how responsibility/blame should be apportioned,

Did Obokata get a fair shake on STAP cell mess? Read More »

STAP cell belief poll #8 results: still negative, but a bit of positive drift

What’s up with STAP cells? Do people belief in them or not? Our STAP poll #8 polling results on STAP are in with more than 1000 respondents. The poll question was “Do you believe in STAP cells?” I will start STAP poll #9 soon. The poll #8 results remain about the same but there has been

STAP cell belief poll #8 results: still negative, but a bit of positive drift Read More »

Google Shows Us Crazy STAP Cell Dichotomy


Sometimes when we Google things we can find out surprising things about specific topics including the whole STAP cell train wreck. When I recently searched for STAP, here was my reaction: What the heck? A recent Google search for STAP cells yielded these two adjacent, completely contradictory results sourced from two Obokata mentors (see image

Google Shows Us Crazy STAP Cell Dichotomy Read More »

STAP April Update: Super Stressful on All Fronts


What’s going on with the STAP cell situation now that it is into its third month? It’s getting worse instead of better or clearer, at least in part due to RIKEN’s incomplete investigation. What’s going on with STAP? New RIKEN Press Conference RIKEN reportedly held an odd sort of limited press conference today that TJO

STAP April Update: Super Stressful on All Fronts Read More »

Dr. Lee STAP Result, Hyped by Media, in Proper Context


Yesterday was a crazy day for the STAP cell situation. We had RIKEN releasing a scathing internal investigatory report and then some folks in the media got all worked up about a single PCR assay result that Dr. Ken Lee posted on ResearchGate. Some of the reporters/science writers hyped their headlines/articles on this situation as though

Dr. Lee STAP Result, Hyped by Media, in Proper Context Read More »