Search Results for: Yoshiki Sasai

Stem cell tragedy: Yoshiki Sasai (笹井芳樹) commits suicide


Dr. Yoshiki Sasai (笹井芳樹) former Deputy Director of the RIKEN CDB and a senior author on the STAP papers, has reportedly died from suicide. Update: The Japan Times writes on this situation that Sasai was found hanging at RIKEN and there may have been a suicide note. Dr. Sasai was a top scholar in the stem

Stem cell tragedy: Yoshiki Sasai (笹井芳樹) commits suicide Read More »

Reflecting on Sasai tragedy, STAP, & flawed field of science


Today has been a dark day of mourning for science following the death by suicide of Dr. Yoshiki Sasai. I did not know Dr. Sasai personally, but was very impressed with his work. His suicide leaves me feeling very sad and it seems like an appropriate time for reflection. (update I did a post on suicides by

Reflecting on Sasai tragedy, STAP, & flawed field of science Read More »

Perspectives 10 years after STAP cells: the culture of science, misconduct, & hopes for progress


Exactly ten years ago today, on January 29, 2014, I wrote about two new Nature papers on so-called STAP cells. The papers claimed that stress alone could convert regular non-stem cells into some of the most powerful stem cells. More specifically, the authors claimed to make pluripotent stem cells similar to iPS cells this way.

Perspectives 10 years after STAP cells: the culture of science, misconduct, & hopes for progress Read More »

Whatever happened to the STAP cell scientists including Haruko Obokata?


Once upon a time this blog and major outlets around the world were regularly writing about a Japanese stem cell researcher named Haruko Obokata (小保方 晴子). Whatever happened to Obokata and the other folks directly involved in STAP cell research? First, a bit of background because maybe still a few people never heard of STAP cells

Whatever happened to the STAP cell scientists including Haruko Obokata? Read More »

Did NHK Violate Rights of Obokata (小保方 晴子) on STAP?


The Japanese public broadcasting system, NHK, has been accused by scientist Haruko Obokata of violating her human rights. Obokata was the primary researcher involved in the STAP cell fiasco in which two ultimately retracted Nature papers contained duplicated, plagiarized, and manipulated data. She was certainly not the only researcher on those papers, but overall she

Did NHK Violate Rights of Obokata (小保方 晴子) on STAP? Read More »