Search Results for: autism

Dissecting that Neanderthal brain organoids Science pub

neanderthal human brain organoids

Organoids and especially brain organoids, which are made from pluripotent stem cells, are one of the most interesting developmental biology technologies of the last half a dozen or so years. Still some folks can’t help but get carried away when thinking about brain organoids it seems. A new Science paper from a team led by […]

Dissecting that Neanderthal brain organoids Science pub Read More »

Mesenchymal cells or MSCs: definition, clinical potential, challenges

mesenchymal cells, MSCs, mesenchymal stem cells, multipotent stem cells

I’m old enough to remember when the acronym MSC stood unambiguously for “mesenchymal stem cells”, but should it refer to a broader term like “mesenchymal cells”? The field has moved in that direction. I think that’s the best way to go too and I’ll explain why. The goal of today’s post is to help you

Mesenchymal cells or MSCs: definition, clinical potential, challenges Read More »

21 Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine 2021 Predictions


In any given field of biomedical science like stem cell research and regenerative medicine, it’s very useful if you can accurately predict the future. It seems, though, that predictions are far more difficult within the more exciting and rapidly-changing fields. The field of stem cells and regenerative medicine fits that bill. Past stem cell research

21 Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine 2021 Predictions Read More »

CRISPR critters advancing science & agriculture


CRISPR applications in the real world The “breakthrough” gene-editing tool, CRISPR Cas9, has been utilized for various purposes since its popularization and commercialization in the early 2010s. While possible uses of gene editing in humans tend to get the most attention, the application of CRISPR-Cas9 also encompasses the animal world and the analysis of a

CRISPR critters advancing science & agriculture Read More »

OCT4-SOX DNA dance, PRC2, a noisy competition & more cell weekly reads


What’s new in the stem cell, cell therapy, and regenerative medicine world as well as biomedical science more generally including cancer? There’s quite a bit of news as reflected in media pieces and new pubs. Today’s post is focused on pubs that just came out. For last week’s recommended reads see here. Oct4-Sox2 Nucleosome Binding

OCT4-SOX DNA dance, PRC2, a noisy competition & more cell weekly reads Read More »

BARDA drops funding of research into stem cells for COVID-19


Katie Thomas at the New York Times reports that BARDA has dropped considering funding applications for stem cells for COVID-19. The move is part of a larger shift in funding priorities away from lung treatments and toward vaccine development. The decision has puzzled and even angered some stem cell firms and researchers. BARDA stands for

BARDA drops funding of research into stem cells for COVID-19 Read More »

Vermont zeroes in on unproven stem cell clinics


A variety of states have stepped up to address unproven stem cell clinics within their borders and the latest is Vermont. According to the VTDigger and writer Anne Wallace Allen, the Vermont Medical Society is planning a number of steps to address this situation. For example, at their encouragement a Vermont lawmaker will introduce legislation

Vermont zeroes in on unproven stem cell clinics Read More »