Search Results for: book

Not Old MacDonald’s Farm: is the future lab grown meat?

test-tube burners

Would you eat lab grown meat? Envision biting into a warm juicy burger with all the trimmings. Lab grown meat intro If you are a burger fan, your mouth may already be watering. Or maybe you prefer steak or bacon? If you are a vegetarian or animal welfare advocate, however, you might be rather disturbed […]

Not Old MacDonald’s Farm: is the future lab grown meat? Read More »

Red flags on stem cells sold for vaginal rejuvenation

vaginal rejuvenation stem cells

What should we consider when seeing marketing for sexual enhancements like vaginal rejuvenation? Fact checking vaginal rejuvenation with stem cells When you read marketing terms like “stem cell treatment for sexual enhancement” or more specifically stem cells for “vaginal rejuvenation” what comes to mind? And are stem cell treatments a viable option for vaginal rejuvenation

Red flags on stem cells sold for vaginal rejuvenation Read More »

Arkansas adds to wave of state AG actions vs. stem cell clinics


It’s encouraging to see that the states including now Arkansas via their attorney generals (or is it attorneys general?) are taking more action against stem cell clinic firms, but the big scope of AG action has somewhat surprised me. Arkansas AG suit The latest AG action on a stem cell clinic type firm comes from

Arkansas adds to wave of state AG actions vs. stem cell clinics Read More »

Can Gene-Edited Stem Cells Treat Cystic Fibrosis?


Drugs that restore the shape of the errant protein behind cystic fibrosis (CF) have, over the past eight years, helped the majority of patients, who have certain mutations. Gene-corrected stem cells might offer a “mutation agnostic” option to CF. CF results from a glitch in a glycoprotein with the unwieldy name “cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance

Can Gene-Edited Stem Cells Treat Cystic Fibrosis? Read More »

Seth Rogen is a stem cell pitching Prop 14 for CIRM in funny new video


Should California’s Stem Cell Agency, more widely known as CIRM, get another round of funding from us California voters? I believe the answer is yes and I endorse Proposition 14, which would provide the funding for CIRM to translate dozens of clinical trials into some proven new stem cell-based treatments in the coming decade. However,

Seth Rogen is a stem cell pitching Prop 14 for CIRM in funny new video Read More »

Recommended reads: Bee brain, COVID, from Russia with stem cells, pubs


Reading to them was one of my favorite things to do with my kids when they were little, but it’s a long way from Goodnight Moon to this week’s list of recommended reads, although “bee brain” may have got their attention. Please take a minute to complete our The Niche reader survey for a chance

Recommended reads: Bee brain, COVID, from Russia with stem cells, pubs Read More »

Enter the Niche Reader Survey for chance at free stem cell swag


It’s helpful for me to learn about the readers of this blog The Niche in terms of who you are and your backgrounds. Because some people may want to vote more than once on the types of posts they like the most, I’ve allowed re-voting on that poll. Free stuff Those who participate and leave

Enter the Niche Reader Survey for chance at free stem cell swag Read More »

New human genome editing (HHGE) academy report: solid, but key gaps


Something called, “The International Commission on the Clinical Use of Human Germline Genome Editing” has issued a new report on heritable human genome editing (HHGE). The Commission was convened by the U.S. National Academy of Medicine, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the U.K.’s Royal Society. This post is my initial take on the summary of

New human genome editing (HHGE) academy report: solid, but key gaps Read More »

Mesoblast MSCs Quell Peds GvHD; On Road to FDA Approval?


Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is counterintuitive In the weeks and months following a transplant, a major concern is the recipient’s immune system rejecting the “foreign” biological material. But in GVHD, the opposite happens: transplanted tissue unleashes a horde of T cells that spark a cascade of inflammation, within 100 days. Typically, GVHD follows a bone marrow

Mesoblast MSCs Quell Peds GvHD; On Road to FDA Approval? Read More »

Sniffing Out Stem Cells Behind COVID-Skewed Olfaction


In COVID-19, the sense of smell can diminish, vanish, or oddly skew, for weeks or months. The loss usually starts suddenly and is more than the temporarily dulled chemical senses of a stuffy nose from the common cold. As researchers followed up mounting reports of loss of olfaction, a surprising source of perhaps the longest-lasting

Sniffing Out Stem Cells Behind COVID-Skewed Olfaction Read More »