Search Results for: book

Stem Cell Person of the Year 2014 Award: Vote To Choose 12 Finalists


Nominations have closed and we have more than two dozen nominations for Stem Cell Person of the Year 2014. It’s an exciting, diverse group including some news faces as well as nominees from years past as well. Happy Stem Cell Day! You can now vote for your choice for the top finalists in the poll

Stem Cell Person of the Year 2014 Award: Vote To Choose 12 Finalists Read More »

Stem Cell Tourism and Patient Education


What is the role of public education and stem cell tourism? What type of education is available to patients, caregivers and the public? Can public education actually change people’s minds such that they won’t undergo an unproven stem cell-based intervention (SCBI)? These are the questions I will discuss here. But first, let’s just give a

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Holding Institutions Responsible for Research Misconduct: the recent case of a death of stem cell scientist

Guest post on Research Misconduct. By Zubin Master Scientist Yoshiki Sasai, age 52, committed suicide and was found dead on August 5, 2014. Sasai was deputy director of the Center for Developmental Biology (CDB) at RIKEN in Kobe, Japan, and coauthor on two recently retracted Nature papers about a reportedly easier way to make induced

Holding Institutions Responsible for Research Misconduct: the recent case of a death of stem cell scientist Read More »

Great News: FDA Nod For ViaCyte IND of Diabetes Stem Cell-Based Product


Type 1 Diabetes is a huge global problem. Where are the solutions that would compliment or replace insulin therapy for diabetics? There haven’t been too many that have gotten very far, which makes the news of a potential stem cell-based therapy moving along in the pipeline all the more exciting. ViaCyte (see more posts here,

Great News: FDA Nod For ViaCyte IND of Diabetes Stem Cell-Based Product Read More »

Five possible natural stem cell boosts (but do your homework)

stem cell boosts

What might be some natural stem cell boosts? How might we all increase the number or helpful activities of our own stem cells? If possible isn’t that a better, simpler, & safer idea than getting a transplant of stem cells? Think of it as preventative medicine via stem cells. Note that this post was updated

Five possible natural stem cell boosts (but do your homework) Read More »

Great 2nd Place ISSCR Essay Related to Vision and Stem Cells


ISSCR and I held a short essay contest for a free registration to ISSCR 2014 in Vancouver. The winning piece was written by student Mohamed Gatie, but there was a great 2nd place essay by Sherry Hikita that deserved acknowledgment. I’m publishing that essay below and Sherry will be receiving a free signed copy of my book and a free stem cell

Great 2nd Place ISSCR Essay Related to Vision and Stem Cells Read More »