Search Results for: embryo models

Weekend reads include stem cell pubs, cancer link to heart disease, CRISPR babies & of course emu oil


Here in the U.S. we just had our big Thanksgiving holiday, but science goes, stem cells keep growing and needing attention, and it’s another weekend chance to catch up on our paper reading. Here’s this weekend edition of recommended reads including news items and pubs. From Cell Stem Cell: Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis of Uniparental Embryos Reveals […]

Weekend reads include stem cell pubs, cancer link to heart disease, CRISPR babies & of course emu oil Read More »

Is monkey cloning a breakthrough or a bad idea?


Is monkey cloning a good idea? We’re about to find out. A new Cell paper today reports the first cloning of monkeys via somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), raising many questions. The paper from a team led by Qiang Sun is entitled, “Cloning of Macaque Monkeys by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer.” The highlight bullet points

Is monkey cloning a breakthrough or a bad idea? Read More »

TGIF stem cell weekend reads of papers & news


Bulls-eye! Here are some stem cell weekend reads including both interesting new papers & news headlines. Of course, this week also had stem cell awareness day and I wrote about 10 key issues for the field for the coming 10 years! Weekend reads Papers Chromatin and Single-Cell RNA-Seq Profiling Reveal Dynamic Signaling and Metabolic Transitions during

TGIF stem cell weekend reads of papers & news Read More »

Hunting for computational approaches for stem cells at ISSCR2017


By Cátia Bandeiras, PhD Student at University of Lisbon, Portugal and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See tweets from the conference using #ISSCR2017 @apulgarita I just wrapped up my stay at the Annual Meeting of ISSCR 2017, which happened in Boston. I decided to take advantage of the fact that I am living in Boston at

Hunting for computational approaches for stem cells at ISSCR2017 Read More »

Kelly Hills interview: human genetic modification & bioethics


Below is a conversation with bioethics commentator Kelly Hills (who BTW has a great blog), tackling some of the key issues surrounding the potential use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to make heritable human genetic modification. I really appreciate her clear and insightful answers to some tough questions that many are grappling with today on this topic. Part

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Nita Farahany Interview on Human Germline Modification: Defining A Road Forward


The topic of heritable human genetic modification has been heating up recently. Prominent scientists, ethicists, and legal scholars have being weighing in, and there is a range of attitudes. Some favor a complete, moratorium including even lab work, while on the other end of the spectrum there are those who have a more liberal perspective. Many

Nita Farahany Interview on Human Germline Modification: Defining A Road Forward Read More »